For the hundredth time – would. . . you. . . speak. . . FRENCH!!!
Monday, July 17th, 2006Up at 06.30, last minute cutting and pasting for lessons, teaching, preparing for afternoon lessons, teaching, supervising activities, preparing for the next day, patrolling the residence with hoarse drills of SHHHHH and LIGHTS OUT and IF I HAVE TO COME IN HERE ONE MORE TIME. . . (Who have I become?). . .In bed by midnight, and then up again at 06.30 to do it all again. . .The sheer exhaustion is taking its toll. . . I am getting stricter in my classroom and decided to enforce a strict no foreign languages policy today- anyone who was heard speaking in their own language was banished from the class for a 2 minute time out – it was quite effective until I chastised a boy for speaking Italian and commanded that he must SPEAK IN FRENCH! He looked completely bewildered, thinking I was enforcing a cruel punishment. Maybe on some level, I was. . . So going slightly mad but enjoying it all the same. . .Can’t wait for a French September in the Pyrenees.