BootsnAll Travel Network

this couldn’t be easier

Originally the thought was to look into the various around the world travel “packages” offered by different airline conglomeration. To name two, there is the Star Alliance and One World. One of them is by total miles, and one of them is by continents. We are trumping the one with total miles by a lot, and so it was out of our league. Who limits these things to 39K anyhow? The continent one, assuming five continents, was priced very highly and was somewhat restrictive on travel within continents. The last, best hope was, which is not really a conglomeration. Mainly they specialize in booking flights for around the world travel, and were generally pretty helpful. Their planning tool was infinitely useful. In the end though, the prices that came out were simply more expensive than what we wanted. Moreover, we figured we could probably do better ourselves, and have the advantage of not having to change dates en route which would certainly occur. Therefore, we have decided to do flights for RTW 1 impromptu-style. We’ll book a few legs at a time, starting with the first few. The current grand-plan is the following flights: NY -> anchorage, anchorage -> bangkok (who knew this flight existed?), multi-city bangkok->auckland->melbourne->bangkok, round-trip bangkok->delhi->bangkok, bangkok->kathmandu, kathmandu->Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam->Cairo, London->Dublin, Dublin->NY. We’ll likely book up until the Thailand->Nepal trip, so…three legs. We’ll probably book up until Tanzania while we are in thailand, and then figure out how to get to egypt while in Tanzania. In any event, we save about 33% off of quoted prices, won’t have to deal with change flight requests, and can generally leave our itinerary pretty open-ended, a bonus.


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