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Archive for the 'Mexico' Category

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Pictures – Week 5

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Here are pictures from our fifth week of travelling in mainland Mexico during Semana Santa: Huatulco, Tonala and Tapachula.

Pictures – Week 4

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Here are the pictures from our fourth week of travelling in the Mexican mainland: Tizupan, Playa Azul, Ixtapa and La Ventura. Enjoy!

Final Days in Mexico

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Yeah! We are in Guatemala City with Patrick now. It is so great to see him and hear about home.

The past week has been hot and busy. We spend 4 days in Huatulco, which is more developed than I expected. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Michoacan Coast – Mexican vs. Tourist Resorts

Thursday, March 25th, 2010
We are now travelling along the Michoacan coast, which is stunningly beautiful. The mountainside that meets the ocean is rugged and steep. Below the cliffs are deserted beaches with bright white sand and a rough surf. The coast is lined ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 3

Sunday, March 21st, 2010
Here are some pictures from Lo de Marcos and San Patricio-Melaque. Pictures from the ferry and San Blas were mysteriously lost, so not many pictures this week:

San Patricio-Melaque: Mexican Paradise

Sunday, March 21st, 2010
We are staying at a lovely beach resort called San Patricio – Melaque (St. Patrick – Melaque). Our hotel room on the third floor overlooks the lively beach. We spend our days taking long walks on the beach, watching ... [Continue reading this entry]

On The Mainland

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Our ferry trip from La Paz to Mazatlan turns out to be much more pleasant than expected. We reserve a standard cabin, which has 4 bunk beds and a private bathroom – I think that it ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 2

Saturday, March 13th, 2010
Here are some pictures from our second week of travelling: Enjoy!

South Baja – Finally Warm!

Saturday, March 13th, 2010
Over the last few days, we explore the old towns of Loreto and La Paz, visiting missions, churches, museums and beaches. The wind continues to gust but dies down today and we finally wear shorts and t-shirts. We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Baja Sessions

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

On Monday, we go on my much anticipated whale watching trip. Since I have never done this, I am very excited and do not know what to expect. We take a small power boat into the ... [Continue reading this entry]