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Final Pictures – Week 32

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Here are some pictures from the last few days of our trip. Adios Latin America!

Back Home

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

After seven months and one week, we are home! After skiing in Argentina, we take the long bus trip back to Santiago. However, this time, we take Bus Norte in Chile and have full reclining sleeper seats. This turns out to be better than first class on an airplane. The bus attendant sets up our beds with blankets, pillows and extra padding, and we sleep peacefully during our eleven hour overnight trip to Santiago. Per Quinn, “This is lovely!”

In Santiago, we are anxious to get home and try to find things to keep us busy for two days. Paul and I take long walks and even longer lunches. We go to the movie theater and watch old movies on TV. We check our emails and the news on the Internet. The trip seemed to really end in Bariloche. I said my “goodbye” to the trip with tears in my eyes as I took my last ski run in Cerro Catedral. Happy and excited to be going home, yet melancholy and a bit sad that our adventure ends.

So now a new adventure starts. We are back home to our “normal” life with our friends and family. Yet, all of us have changed in the past seven months. We must now find new jobs and for Quinn, go back to school. All the while, we will start planning on next adventure. Everyone needs dreams. For us, the dream is to travel.

Stay tuned for a final blog posting about our overall impressions about the trip…

Adios Coche…

Saturday, September 25th, 2010
We shipped the car! The process was difficult, confusing and extremely frustrating. Multiple visits to various offices at the San Antonio port – 14 steps, 2 days of work (9 hours total) and about $3000. Twice, I was ready to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 29

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
Here are pictures from our road trip from the finca to Chile - lots of llamas, pelicans and sea lions:

Hasta Luego, Argentina

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
After leaving the finca, we take a road trip to reach Chile. We first drive to Cafayate, passing a stunning red rock canyon. Cafayate is a cute town – rather touristy with lots of souvenir shops, hotels and restaurants. We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 26

Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Here are pictures from Santiago and a few late comers of skiing at Portillo from my friends:


Saturday, August 28th, 2010
We spend a week in Santiago to handle trip logistics. Connor left on Sunday afternoon after a tearful goodbye. He encountered some problems with customs at the Santiago airport – since he is a minor travelling alone, customs require a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 25

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
Here are pictures from perfect Portillo - too much fun!

Perfect Portillo

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
In a word Portillo Ski Resort is perfect. The resort has everything: challenging slopes, excellent instructors, a beautiful hotel and great ambiance – not at all pretentious as an upscale resort can be. We spend a full week skiing and snowboarding ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 24

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
Here are pictures from the coastal towns of Tal Tal and La Serena, as well as Los Andes in where else, the Andes: