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Archive for September, 2010

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Adios Coche…

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

We shipped the car! The process was difficult, confusing and extremely frustrating. Multiple visits to various offices at the San Antonio port – 14 steps, 2 days of work (9 hours total) and about $3000. Twice, I was ready to cry from frustration. I wanted to yell and scream too many times to count. I think that this was the first time that a used car filled with personal goods has been shipped from Chile to the U.S. Now, we just hope that the car arrives in Oakland at the end of October…

We will spend the final week of our trip in Bariloche, Argentina to ski and snowboard. And of course, to drink Malbec and Fernet, and eat jamon crudo, salami ahumado and carne. Gotta love Argentina!

Pictures – Week 29

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Here are pictures from our road trip from the finca to Chile – lots of llamas, pelicans and sea lions:

Hasta Luego, Argentina

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
After leaving the finca, we take a road trip to reach Chile. We first drive to Cafayate, passing a stunning red rock canyon. Cafayate is a cute town – rather touristy with lots of souvenir shops, hotels and restaurants. We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 28

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
Here are the pictures of our finca stay in Northern Argentina. Lots of pictures since there are so many good pictures of gauchos, horses and even Paul dancing. Take some time relax and envision life on a finca:

Finca Life

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
Our ten day stay at the finca (ranch) is one of the best experiences of the entire trip. The owner, Enrique, welcomes us with open arms and an equally open heart. We feel at home immediately and quickly settle into ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures – Week 27

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
Here are pictures from our first week in Argentina:

Happy Birthday, Quinn!

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
After leaving Mendoza, we head north to Chicoana, the location of the horse ranch, making short stops along the way. We spend one night at Villa General Belgrano, which is known for its German style. The town is filled with ... [Continue reading this entry]