BootsnAll Travel Network

On The Mainland

Our ferry trip from La Paz to Mazatlan turns out to be much more pleasant than expected. We reserve a standard cabin, which has 4 bunk beds and a private bathroom – I think that it is actually larger than the cabin that I had when I went on a Royal Caribbean cruise. Before we leave, we intently watch the big rigs load onto the ferry. The truck drivers have to back-up their rigs onto the ferry while other truck drivers watch and criticize from the deck above. We check out all of the amenities: 2 restaurants, piano bar, lounge, disco and game room. The ferry is empty except for the truckers and some tourists, so most amenities are closed, but nevertheless, we enjoy the restaurant, bar and game room. Early Monday morning, a loud speaker blasts informing us to vacate our cabin. We arrive to Mazatlan early, even though we left on Mexican time, an hour or so late. No fooling around…

From Quinn’s journal: “I am on a ghetto cruise. I met a dog named Luke.” (We met an interesting fellow, Huck, who is travelling via motorcycle with his dog, who sits in a sidecar.)

We arrive at Mazatlan and continue heading south, eager to get away from the big city. We arrive to San Blas and find a funky restaurant/cabanas on the beach called Stoners’ Surf Camp. We rent a cool cabana on the beach and check out the historic town. Unfortunately, San Blas is inundated with sand flies and mosquitoes due to the lagoon on the other side of town, so after getting eaten alive, we decide to leave after one night.

Our next stop is at Lo de Marcos, a quaint town of 3,000 people north of Puerto Vallarta. The town is a mix of locals, vacation home owners and RVers. We camp at a lovely RV Park (Pretty Sunset) close to the beach. The ocean is warm enough for swimming and has good waves for body surfing. We finally have some “down time” and enjoy a couple days wandering around town, swimming at the beach, watching fisherman and viewing sunsets. Quinn is in his element and wants to stay indefinitely. However, the time has come to continue heading south.


7 responses to “On The Mainland”

  1. Jan Dolan says:

    Love the blog guys, sounds like you are moving along pretty quickly and the boys seem to be adjusting so well. HAve fun! I look forward to more installments of the Curley Adventure!

  2. Ric says:

    Very cool, Karen. I’m watching from afar. Where’s the map? 🙂

  3. Cindy says:

    I am on a ghetto cruise…too funny! Of course Quinn is on an unforgetable, once-in-a-lifetime adventure and so are we all thanks to your wonderful blog. Keep the entries coming!

  4. Daniel says:

    Hi Guys, sounds like it is all going well so far! Gretchen and I have made it safely back to New Zealand and settling back in to “reality”. Good luck with the rest of the trip! Wish we were still in Baja!

  5. Karen says:

    Daniel, we enjoyed meeting you and Gretchen. You are welcome to visit us in CA or stay at the Guatemala beach house!

  6. George Weston says:

    We took the ferry from La Paz to Mazatlan in September of 1982. Yhat was after spending 3 days in the parking lot of the ferry building in Cabo waiting out a hurricane. The ferry we were on was more like the African Queen than the Royal Caribbean. There were no state rooms, no bar, no restrarunt, no piano. There was a lounge with wall to wall people. There was seats available and the entire floor was cover with people as was all of the deck outside. The four of us spent the night sitting in a booth with and Alaskan State Congressman, his wife and child and an older man who was a writer for Golf Magazine in Mexico and his wife. While the company was pleasant the night was miserable. We wre so glad your experience was much better.

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