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Pictures – Week 1

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Below is a link to pictures from our first week of travelling. This site is not conducive to posting pictures, so I posted on shutterfly. I would like to find a site that allows me to easily map the trip with pictures, but have yet to find a good one (Google maps is not intuitive, but I may need to go that route). If anyone has good ideas, please post a comment. Thanks!

The Real Baja

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Saturday finally feels like the Baja that I was hoping to find. After an incredibly scenic drive southeast through Central Baja with prehistoric looking cacti on Friday, we arrive into a sparkling blue bay surrounded by cragged mountains called Bahia de Los Angeles. The gusting wind finally calms on Saturday morning and Paul and I take a long walk down a sand bar to a lighthouse, passing lots of birds and deserted beaches. We then take an off-road trip to La Gringa (I joke with the kids that the town is name after me :-) in search of clams. After not having any success, we stop at the only house in the area to inquire about the location of the clams. The proprietor offers to drive his pick-up to the clam beds so that we can follow him. We arrive at a small pond near the ocean and the proprietor warns us to leave soon before the tide comes in, otherwise we are stuck. We dig for clams and find not only clams, but scallops, conch and oysters as well! All of us enjoy searching for seafood and are stoked that we can supply our own dinner (even though I do not eat them, I am equally thrilled). We spend the afternoon at our campsite on the beach. I finally have a chance to sit in the sun, have a glass of wine and read my More magazine. Paul makes seafood and pasta for dinner, and the kids remark that the meal is the best ever.  All is good in the world, or at least in Baja.

From Connor’s journal: Today was good at the end, when we had the best clams that I have ever had. We drove about 10 minutes to get to the end of a paved road, then we had to drive a half an hour on off-road. Then there was a Mexican man and we asked where the clams were and he said, “I’ll take you to them”, so we followed him with all intent of finding clams and having a great dinner. So as a team effort, my mom held the bag, and Quinn and I scooped up the clams that my dad dug out of the ground. Then we drove home to eat them and my dad decided to torture us and make them for dinner. So I tried to wait until dinner (it was harder than it sounds). But we got tortas to ease my appetite. But I was waiting all afternoon to get clams.

From Quinn: We had tortas for lunch. They were really good. We went and got clams. It was the first time I ever had them. They are so good!!!!!!!!! Then we roasted marshmallows.

Well, life is good at least for awhile. We awaken in the middle of the night again to the pitter-patter of rain, but it is more like a pound-pound and flapping tent.  Fortunately, the new tents keep us dry, but nevertheless, I do not like camping in the rain. This morning, we quickly pack up, which we have mastered to less than 1 ½ hours, and continue to head south. We opt for comfort by staying in a warm, dry hotel in the border town of Guererro Negro on the Pacific side. We have a tour booked to go whale watching tomorrow; I am very excited! Stay tuned for more on this…

Baja California – Seeking Warmer Weather…

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Our first day in Mexico turns out to be a day of mishaps. We get lost in Tijuana, I forget the tent poles at home, Paul is sick as a dog and we are camping in ... [Continue reading this entry]