In for a long blog today as it has been a while! We are now in Rainbow beach after a long week of rain in Noosa.
Leaving off from the last blog in Brisbane. On the sunday we had to do some shopping for suncream etc as everything gets more expensive up the coast so we were advised to buy some there. We also did our Laundry and faffed around at the hostel for a while. In the evening we went our for a meal to Wagamammas to celebrate for my Birthday. Ah it was bliss. And Alice payed for mine as my present which was lovely of her. We then treated ourselves to cake in a coffee shop in the centre of town and it started to pour with rain so we sat there for a while watching the world go by! Had quite an early night as we were leaving for Noosa our next destination.
On the monday… it was my BIRTHDAY. I had a lovely phone call with the fam and then we got on the bus. Everyone sang happy birthday to me which was cool and the next 4 hours we spent travelling in the rain. When we got to Noosa, an upmarket version of Byron Bay, we had to get the courtesy bus to our hostel which was about a 10min drive from the town. We soon realised that being out of town was going to be a little irritating. Anyway after settling into out 6 bved dorm we ventured out to the supermarket another 15min walk away in the pouring rain! Had a special meal of Fajitas and birthday CAKE! Had a couple of other friends staying at the hostel so we had a small party in our room and played a few games. All in all had quite a good birthday despite the rain!
Next day we went to Australia Zoo!!! It was amazing even though it was raining! Got to feed Elephants, went to the Croceseum and watched a Snake, bird and cros show which was very cool! We saw kangas, wombats, tazmanian devils and these evil big birds which i was pretty scared of. PLUS i got to hold a koala which totally made my day, was so cute, called Mist! Will put a photo up when i get a chance. We also saw this beautiful tiger playing with her keeper in the water and running around. Asll in all we had a brilliant day, bought some ponchos so we didn’t get too wet On the way home on the coach we watched a video all about Steve Irwin, which made us all cry HA! Was so sad, just made you realise how much of a ledgend he was!
The next few days in Noosa were pretty crappy to be honest. Spent a lot of the time in our dorm, reading and sleeping due to the weather. We did make it into the center of Noosa a few times to look around the shops and eat etc. On the thursday we went to the cinema to see Alice in Wonderland at this little pokey cinema in 3D which was fun. We went out a couple of times in the evening to a place called Koala bar and Flamingos club, and the rolling rock but they were nothing special. By Saturday we were definitelu ready to move on and the weather was really getting us down.
We travelled from Noosa to Rainbow beach from around 3-6 and when we arrived (after being diverted due to floods, thats how much its raining) it was the worst rain yet. Our new hostel was nice, had nice roomies, a $5 BBQ and played cards in the evening. Today (sunday) we have had a look aroiund rainbow beach which would look gorgeous in the sun. BUT it wasn’t raining today!!! Had to go to a briefing at 2.30 about Fraser Island which was really fun as now we know what we’re doing, and really excited about it. Basically we go on a 3 day self drive 4×4 camping tour. Theres a group of 10 in a car and those over 21 can drive. Me and Alice obviously can’t which i’m a bit gutted about but it does look a bit scary. Anyway we have met our group who all seem great, there us 3 (Mikaela, Alice and I) 4 British guy, a couple and then a swiss guy so should be pretty fun!!!
Next blog will be after Frasers and hopefully we will have had a dry, fun time!!!
Hope all are well at home etc!!!
Lots of Love Holly xxx
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Sorry about the weather. It as been very cold here for Floria. Have had the heating on most mornings and evenings. Yesteray the temperture rose and is now getting back to its normal gorgeous Floridan temperature about 25c. Going to the Sand bar today (Sunday) for lunch on the beach. To date we have not been swimming.
When we rented a house in Australia we had a Koala living in our tree for about a week. When he or she had eaten all the young leaves it moved on. I believe you have to be careful when you pick them up as they stick their claws in you to hold on, not to be vicious. We heard a man had picked one up from the road and had his arm very badly torn. We are thinking of seeing Alice in Wonderland; was it good? we go to the cinema more here than in England. Saw Shutters Island the other night, worth seeing if you have time on your hands.
Love reading your blogs.
LAA xxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Sorry that havent written for ages but still enjoy your updates
Also sorry for early morning text……not sure if they costing u lots to receive so wont send too many!!!!!!
We are getting excited about going to USA but BA are about to announce some strikes so now worried we wont get out or back home!! Oh well just have to wait and see They did promise not to stike over Easter so fingers crossed
Has Mum told u I am doing a diet and fitness class…..we call it fat fighters (like Little Britain but its not!) The first week I was slimmmer of the week (ha ha) but not since although I did lose 3lb this week so really pleased Still have about 1/2 stone to lose but clothes fitting much better
Not much to report usual boring life goes on Finlay went on his first school trip to a farm and said he had to shout out WE LOVE POO Thought it was hilarious
George becoming a real football bore aways asking me when Arsenal are playing What number do they wear on their shirts He sky pluses all the Arsenal games and watches them over and over……..Finlay and I say BORING
Oh well glad weather improving and hope u both continue to have good time Like photos on facebook
Take care lots of love from us all
Auntie (No 1 Favourite!!!!????)