Wow so it’s been a while since I have blogged and its due to being very very busy!!!! We have had a couple of jam packed weeks but i will briefly summarise them!
Basically we got on our Kiwi experience bus and met lots of nice people that we would spent the next few days with till we got to queenstown! Our first day we were on our way to Westport from Christchuch. Westport was not that interesting…but we just had one night there watching movies and then left early the next day for Lake Mahinapua. On the way we stopped off for a walk to see a seal colony (cute) and the pancake rocks. Our next stop was at a shopping mall so that we could buy our fancy dress outfits for our ‘P’ themed party later that night. Me and Alice both bought Panda Pyjamas (double P) and everyone else came up with really good ideas and we had a good fun night!
Next day we journeyed to Franz Jose stopped off at a museum called the Bushman center on the way which was a weird place based on deer hunting….got to feed a possum though the round type as opposed to the flat ones we’d seen along the way before! Around about 12.30 we arrived in the township of the beautiful glacier in a lovely hostel complete with hot tub. Then we got given some good news….we were given the chance to skydive over the fox glacier (the second most scenic place to skydive in the world) and it was a beautiful dayto look out over Mount Cook and Mount Tasmin from the sky! Weirdly both Alice and I weren’t scared and were very calm. Got given suits that made us look obese but when your jumping out of a plane at 12000ft it wasnt important! I was first to jump and even when hanging out a plane I wasn’t scared. The freefall was so fun the only horrible bit was when I saw Alice still falling out the sky and my parachute had already been deployed! But soon after we were swinging around right next to each other. Landing was very smooth too and we both loved it! Did feel a bit ill afterwards though so ended up going to bed very early that night!
The next day was another goodun. We went on a full day hike up the Franz Josef glacier. Felt very weird to be wearing shorts but it was actually a good idea in the end as it was a very sunny day and trousers would have got really wet! Alice and I decided we would be good enough to be in group 2 (out of 5, 1 being the best) and we were. Had such a good time, squeezing through tight cravases, climbing through caves, using our pickaxes and crampons to climb about! Was a long day though, hiked for a good 8 hours and got back just before dark around half 5. Our next treat was going to the hot pools over the road from our hostel, nice relaxation time!
Early next morning we left Franz Josef and had a quick visit toLake Matheson a.k.a the mirror lake. Unfortunately the water wasn’t that still but it was still very pretty! That day we made it to Wanaka where we would spend the night. Another ski type feel to the town (funnily enough it is a skiing town) with a beautiful lake. Didn’t have much time there as we left early the next day for queenstown! Stopped off at puzzling worldwhich was full of crazy illusion rooms, mazez and frustrating puzzles! Around about 1 we finally made it to the wonderfull QUEENSTOWN!!!!!!