Back in Sydneyyyy!
Our flight was very enjoyable! Had THE best plane food i’ve ever had and thats saying something because I never normally eat the plane food. Was weird being back on a plane but so quick compared to the last ones that soon we were landing.
We have a few friends in Sydney (the guys from our Fraser trip) and they had recommended a hostel called Westend for us. When we got there we checked in and went to go and find our dorm. Our 32 bed dorm!!!! Was absolutely crazy, it’s basically just one big room with as many bunk beds crammed in as possible! We are on opposite sides of the room which is funny and although at first we were like we’re NEVER going to get any sleep it’s actually not hat bad!
So far we’ve only had one night where some drunk guys thought it would be funny to come in the room turn on the light and start shouting at 3 in the morning but generally everyone is considerate and quiet! Best thing is we have duvets so I can actually sleep here!
Back in Sydney we have already been to Wagamammas, walked round the whole city back to the Opera House, The rocks and Darling Harbour! On sunday it was Anzacs day and so we went up to Kings Cross to meet some friends and play Two up! Its a gambling game of heads and tails and its the only day you’re aloud to gamble outside of cassino’s so all the pubs play it! On my first go I lost $5 but as soon as I made even I stopped! Alice ended up $5 up and Mikaela $15 up so they did well!
We’ve also had a couple of good nights out. Yesterday we went to the Opera House to see a Ballet which was very exciting! Especailly as we got the tickets for quite cheap and just couldn’t pass up the opportunity! The ballet was very good called The Silver Rose.
We have 1 week left here and it’s starting to dawn on us how we really don’t have that long till we’re home! 🙁 Only 8 weeks!!! Looking forward to NZ but will definitely miss Aus!!
Thats all for now as my fingers are starting to ache!
Probably right again just before we leave.
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