Fraser Island!!!!
Absloulte mammoth blog coming up although i will split it up a bit! We’ve just had a hectic last couple of weeks but here goes:
Got back from Fraser island on Wednesday and had the best 3 days! We were so lucky with the weather. It was perfect. Glorious sunshine and blue skies. Considering its been raining since we got back and for a week before we went we can’t believe it!
So basically on the monday morning we had to be up at 6.30 for pancakes at 7 and then a morning briefing for 2 hours at 7.45. We had to pack up the roof and check everything, those over 21 learnt about driving the massive 4×4 and then at 10 we set off. Me, Alice and the Swiss guy Simon were the only ones who weren’t driving. At first I was gutted but soon realised it really didn’t matter and some of the driving was pretty hairy. We drove down to Inskip point to board the barge over to the island. Then we were let lose. In the whole group there were 7 cars of 10 people so it was pretty big.In our team of 10 as I said before there was Simon, us 3 and then 4 British guys. Seb who was so scatty but lovely, Andy who looked like a koala bear so we called him KB, Paul nicknamed Vinegar and Josh who was the most sarcastic/rude person ever but we just laughed at him! Then there was the couple ‘Mum and Dad’ as we called them, Nicole and Paul. We soon decided that we had the best group. There’d be 8 in the back and 2 in the front in the car and it was surprisingly spacious but definitely not the comfiest on the old backside.
‘Dad’ and Josh had already done the trip a few years ago so we had a slight heads up to not follow the itinerary but do our own thing so that there wasn’t 60 other people everywhere. This turned out to be the best decision. We chose to go to a different Lake to everyone else first called Lake Birrabean which was quite a bumpy drive away but absolutely stunning. White sandy beaches and completely clear water. We then went to Lake Mckenzie where everyone else goes but everyone else left so we got to see that when it was empty too! We arrived at the first campsite at 6 where everyone else was which was cool. A few of us put up the tents and the others cooked and we had a lovely steak with potatoe salad! After dinner we sat round and played a few drinking games and generally had a laugh. Around 12 we got in our tents for a pretty uncomfortable nights sleep!
Next morning we were all up around 6 and it was another beautiful day. Had some cereal and packed up. While we were driving along the beach we found a creek to have a quick dip in, which was like a giant puddle. Then we drove along to Indian head. From there you climb Indian Point which had some stunning views. The rest of the afternoon we had to be off the beach due to the tides so we tried to find a lake to cool down in. Our first attempt was Lake Allom which was murky and full of little turtles. Our second attempt was after about 2 hours of driving along the bumpiest road. In the end we needed a bum break-BAD IDEA!! As soon as we got out the car we were swarmed by mosquiotoes! Within seconds everyone was piled back in the car trying to kill them all. We looked like a bunch of mental people, absolutely hilarious!!! Anyway we then had a long drive to our next campsite, set up and had chicken stir fry for lunch.
That night we sat round playing a few more games which 2 guys were crap at leaving them pretty gone! The rest of us were all cool and lay star gazinbg and playing would you rather. The stars were stunning and you could even see the milky way. Went to bed around 11 after walking the drunk ones back to the tent which was definitely THE funniest thing.
On the last day we ate packed up and were on our way to find more lakes! We didn’t follow the crowd as usual and instead found ourselves a lovely little deserted lake. Named the ‘Golden Lake of Joy’ by us due to its colour we had a nice swim and then a feast to try and finish all the food left over! By the time we left we kinda had to hurry along the beach in order to make the ferry! When crossing back to mainland we spotted a few dolphins which finished off the trip perfectly.
Refueled, cleared up the van and were then dropped back at the hostel where we all had showers! Was so nice to be free from sand and smell nice again. Plus we got to have nice hair and make up, the guys barely recognised us haha! That evening the dreamteam entered the quiz and shamefully came 7th out of 10 but was a laugh.
The rest of rainbow beach (because we werethere for a few extra nights afterwards) was spent going to Carlos sand dune and watching the sunset, eating, shopping and going to Tin Can Bay to feed wild dolphins. When it got to Sunday we couldn’t wait to leave but we had had a lot of fun!
Holly x
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Wow! Really sounds like your having an amazing time!! =] =] x x x
Loving the blogs! and telling us when you found things funny lol x x x x
Many thanks for writing this right here