BootsnAll Travel Network

I arrive on Martin Luther King Day/ part 2

The temperature was 10 degrees with blue skies and and sunny when I arrived and I saw thisas a sign – I had brought too many warm clothes! There were quite a few people,young and old on Haight St as I took a walk to get my bearings. These people were homeless, often with a dog – one guy had a dog with sunglasses on – groovy dog eh? They were all friendly and did not ask for money.Apparently homelssnessisa bigproblem in SF and cafes etc, give reductions topeople working the street, as they call it here. There are quite a few artists and performers all trying to earn a crust.
On my way back down the other side of the street I was tempted into a small coffee shop by the ‘ try our mochas’ sign. Once in I was lost and had to buy a pain au chocolait – warm! – too. $7.95 – about 5 pounds. It was obvious that things were cheaper here than Canada. I was tired after getting up at 4.30 so retired early to the summer of love room. I had to get used to Gi Gi Brown who sat at the top of the stairs. Although only a life size doll, she made me jump for the first couple of days until I got into the habit of saying ‘Hi’ to her. Despite an intermittant noise that sounds like someone moaning the room was quite and Islept well.
I was booked to goto Alcatraz the next day so put my alarm on for 9.30 – breakfast was very civilised each day from 9 to rest of day up to 8pm! I took a taxi to the boat landing at pier 33 ($25). Again, blessed with good weather I sat out at the front of the boat on the top deck (oh the knees!) the trip only took about 25 minutes to Alcatraz and Icould see the Bay bridge and then the Golden Gate bridge. On the way out I also saw lots of brown pelicans amongst the gulls – wonderful! Having landed I waited for the ‘seatcatraz’ to take me up to the prison – a sort of golf buggy with a few ‘coaches’ to take less able people up what would be the likes of a climb up a 13 storey building. I was sensible wasn’t I?! On the way up we could see the gardens that were being kept up by the national park but were first started by the guard’s families who lived in staff quarters on the island. There were irises, lilies and narssis anongst other flowers that were in flower. Amazing at this time of year.Once at the top I walked into the prison and was given my headphones for the guided tour..more later!


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