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Archive for January, 2006

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Well I got here!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

The flights seemed interminable – I reckon I was on the go for over a day! 9 hours plus to Miami and 6 1/2 to La Paz. Met a girl called Kellie from Michigan at Miami and we are going to meet up tomorrow. I am feeling pretty rough with the effects of altitude – heartbeat fast, headache and feeling sick. I have gone through the drill I did in Peru and have had lots of coco tea and water and had a sleep. Just been out up to the square – Plaza Pedo D Marillo. Only 300 yards but I had to go slow as up hill! Lots of pigeons and people and flowers around a wonderful statue in the middle. It was hot on my bench and had to take my jacket off. I am staying at the Torino Hotel on Calle Socabaya. It is cold in my room with no heating but I do have ensuite and it is clean. My thermals will come in handy tonight! First impressions are WOW. La Paz is in a bowl with deep sides and as we left the airport high up we could look down over the basin. It was foggy but not so bad as to block the view. The internet cafe is about 20p per hour so I will be able to contact you often. I,ll try to download a couple of photos tomorrow when I have a brain. I get a free coffee with my computer – very civilised! Trying to stay awake so that I am on the right time by tomorrow. I reckon I am about 4 hours ahead of uk. Talk soon! x

29th January 2006

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

Well it is very strange geting myself ready for a trip from a friend’s house instead of home. All sorts of things I have forgotten to get from the caravan. But, i’m as ready as I can be now. I fly to Heathrow from Manchester at 10.40 and arrive H. at 11.40. I fly to Miami at 3pm and then fly to La Paz at 11 something. Good job I bought a bigger bag so much to think about when going through so many regions/temperatures. I feel a bit flat but I think it is underlying anxiety which will leave me on the plane when I can’t take or think of anything else because it’s too late! Just trying to learn how to download photos to insert onto here. You will discover if I manage it!packing!

As you can see with the help of my friend Les I can now download images! Watch this space! (‘spect they will love to see that bedroom cleared!)

6th January and counting

Friday, January 6th, 2006
I am trying to organise a trip with 2 friends to Equador, Galapogas islands and Peru in June and need to get myself ready for my trip at the end of this month. This with the need to close down ... [Continue reading this entry]