Duck lovers unite!
Yes folks Evelyn and Walter are back! Must have been on a short break as I suspected. They definately look as if they are getting closer as Walter is no longer frolicking whilst Evelyn sits on the rock. I have taken a photograph of them but as I rely on the IT skills of Simon and Rowan they will be a few days behind the blog. I expect you have realised but if you click on the pictures they go to screen size for better viewing!
The Citizenship tests seem to have gone ok. They now have to wait for their results (of written and oral tests) in 3-5 months and then they all (including Josh) have to go together to swear allegiance to whoever(?the queen). so that was the exciting start to the day. Along with this I was up at the crack of dawn with them and saw the most amazing sunrise with silouetted – Mt Baker in the distance (all rosy – beautiful). Jane dropped me off on Pender at the bank so that I could cash the last of my travellers cheques – money goes whooosh! here! I came back on the bus and went to see ‘Lincoln’ with Daniel Day Lewis – wonderful performance! I am really enjoying having a cinema across the road and the opportunity to see some lovely films. I saw Les Miserables on Tuesday – what an epic blockbuster/emotional roller coaster film it was! Also loved ‘Silver linings playbook’ – I’m in love with Bradley Cooper. Off on a chocolate making course tonight with Jane – no end to the excitement here!