BootsnAll Travel Network

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving was celebrated here on Saturday, November 26th. Almost the entire station had the day off and 3 dinners were served to accomodate the community. The kitchen crew cooked us up a feast. To feed the station population, the dining hall staff prepared, among other things, 500 kilograms of turkey, 140 kilograms of tenderloin, 230 kilograms of mashed potatoes and 180 kilograms of shrimp cocktail. For dessert, they provided 60 pumpkin pies (with 24 liters of real whipped cream), 40 pecan pies, 40 apple pies, 1,000 pieces of pumpkin cheesecake and another thousand pieces of chocolate cake.

It was all very, very tasty.

I have so much to be thankful for. Here are just a few of the many things…

41 degree days in Antarctica:

Richard & Kevin skiing
Skiing Armitage Loop in the sun with Richard and Kevin
Pressure Ridges
Pressure Ridges near Scott Base (I got the tour with my Kiwi friend, Tristan)

Snow days with friends:

Tim painting
Tim paints as the snow falls outside
Snow day
Outside the window

Crazy Kiwis:

Bald Kiwis
Shave your Lid for a Kid: Kiwi fundraiser for a NZ cancer fund

Dance parties in Antarcitca:

Dancing with Andre
Me & Andre moving to the beat

Good girlfriends (near & far):

Me & Helena
Me & Helena

And boyfriends (same goes):

Kiss from Kirk
Me & Kirk

The kid in all of us:

Head first!
Another joy ride on a blue tray!
Andre, big kid
6’5″ Andre, a mere kid at heart
Snow ball fight!
Snow ball fight!
Snow ball, got me
Tim scores!

Holiday strolls:

Thanksgiving Walk
Ryan, Amanda, Kirk, Jessica, Quincy, Me & Cindy

Thanksgiving dinner with friends I adore:

Thanksgiving Dinner

see more of my photos at:


No Responses to “Giving Thanks”

  1. Mom & Dad Says:

    Thanks for your continuing saga and pictures. You make it so interesting. What an experience you are having. I finally watched “The March Of The Penguins” on video.
    It was quite fascinating. Glad you got a view of penguins down there. My back is doing quite well. I have seen a chiropractor twice and am going back again next week. She is very good. Our parish nurse recommended her and goes to see her herself. They accept medicare which is good. I would be thankful for 41 degrees up here right now. A storm is brewing for tonight and tomorrow. Thank goodness we don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow.
    It seems you just got there, so the time really has gone fast. We will miss you around here at Christmas. Nathan is coming on the 21st and Lisa and family are coming on the Friday before Christmas. We will take Nathan to Moose Lake on the day before so he can see the house.
    Take care!
    Dad(& MOM)

  2. Posted from United States United States