A Little Under Half
Thanksgiving has already come and gone and Christmas is but a little over two weeks away. Time, as it is wont to do, is passing quickly. In fact, today marks the two month anniversary of my arrival here. I have approximately two and a half to go. Life here has taken on a rhythm of sorts and most days I actually feel rested despite the long hours. Although I occasionally still feel torn between the fear of missing out and the need to recharge my batteries, I seem to have found a balance of sorts. I continue to enjoy my surroundings as much as I am allowed and have traded in late nights with the partying crowd (of course I haven’t given these up altogether) for more mellow nights with a friend or two, perhaps even to myself. I have grown tired of the “how many years you been coming down?” and “will you be back next year?” questions that begin so many conversations still. I want to know about people’s lives off and before and even in between the ice. There are endless stories waiting to be told. On a lucky day, I get to hear a few of them.
Recent polls still have me as one of the few I know who isn’t at least considering returning to McMurdo. Curious people’s desire to return year after year. Or maybe not so curious. It seems to me the very idea would appeal to those who…
a) come here to do their work (whether scientists, hairdressers, carpenters, chefs, electricians, IT folk, full-time Raytheon employees and the like)
b) come here because they aren’t sure what work they want to do (so why the heck not?)
c) see this as a ticket to travel and haven’t discovered an alternate plan that allows them to save so much money so quickly (not that we make big bucks, but with no expenses and a free flight half way around the world, it works)
d) get attached to the people here and the sense of community that this small *town* provides
I don’t necessarily fall into any of these categories, although I can certainly appreciate the last. As far as a) and b) go, my work is not here, although thankfully I have been able to do some bodywork on the side. I have four Structural Integration clients going currently and give the occasional massage as well. The opportunity to practice here has been my saving grace. Five months here without the ability to do so might have been a bit more than I could have endured. While in Boulder I was in such a rich learning environment. Coming here has felt in some ways like being led astray, at least professionally. Granted, as long as I am practicing, I am learning. It is just that I have so little energy left for it after a 60 hour work week. The next leg of my adventure will hopefully provide learning opportunities in this respect so I patiently (most days) await them. In respect to c), I have thankfully been able to budget and save money to travel abroad while doing the work I love most.
And so while many of the people I have befriended are dreaming about their second season in McMurdo, my thoughts carry me far from here. Knowing this will most likely be my only visit, I am truly appreciating this opportunity and this place, as well these people.
see more of my photos at: http://ej.smugmug.com
Tags: Travel
December 19th, 2005 at 2:59 pm
Hi Erica,
I have certainly enjoyed reading your blog and looking at all of the pictures. It is really beautiful there. It sounds like you are having a real learning experience and making lots of new friends.
It probably does get a little difficult with the cold weather. We have had some pretty cold weather here. The high yesterday was about 10. It is supposed to get in the 40’s during the week. I am looking forward to that.
I miss talking to you about the politics of the day. There seems to be plenty happening to moan and groan about. I’m sure you can’t escape the news.
Take Care!
January 5th, 2006 at 5:06 pm
Hey Erica,
Great site. Googled Antarctica Vehicle Operator and found your blog. I”m thinking about working there as a shuttle operator also. I have a few questions to ask if you have time, shoot me an email. rubeneagleton -at- gmail dot com. Love the pictures.