Mad Ramblings of Toilet Girl
If I clean one more toilet will I go mad? Am I already mad? No, they say if you think you might be mad then you’re definitely not mad. But who are ‘they’? Are ‘they’ mad? Maybe ‘they’ are if ‘they’ dont know it. In which case I shouldnt be listening to the mad unreliable advice of ‘they’.
And if my weak NZ summer constitution succumbs to the Eire devil winter, and I get frostbite, how will I clean toilets then? I’ll have to make special gloves for my stumps. And I’ll have to learn to play the fiddle with my toes – or my teeth if my socknjandal innovative footwear cannot prevail against the cold.
Man, I cant wait to go to Dublin tomorrow; finally I will be able to sleep, my dreams free from the distant smell of bleach, and the scratch of the brush on the bowl. Finally I will awake without wondering ‘In which order shall I clean the toilets today?’ Four whole toilet free days.
I hope Darren and Deidre dont ask me to clean their toilet…..
Tags: Ah Sweet Doolin
Alas, she lives!!
Was wondering if yes indeed you had succumb to the Irish winter and was not able to write to us. But, have got a plan… Next year, have decided to tell my work that I am a bear and will hibernate for the winter months… Or maybe be a duck a fly north… What do you think???
Am guessing that you are already crazy from all the bleach that they sure will understand.
P.S – Bring on all the smart a** remarks about being a bear… I dare you!!
Man Nardz!! you are such a bear!!
….is that smart ass enough 🙂
at least she’s not telling anyone to shake their laffy taffy.
girl shake that laffy taffy, ohhh that laffy taffy,
mmm taffy. I was really hoping for some toilet related Google ads with this one but alas my plan was thwarted. Google is obviously prepared for immature acts such as this. Or maybe its just that toilet related sales are up and no-one really needs to advertise. Hmm something to think about.