BootsnAll Travel Network

Winter in the UK

So it is grey outside, colder than a fridge, there are no leaves on the trees and wet sleet is falling from the sky. So I’ve had a sore throat since getting back and feel drained of all energy. It’s winter in the UK, and I’ve got no right to complain: I’ve managed to miss Christmas, all of January and most of February. Moreover, I’m making in-roads with my attempts to get John to migrate—after forty years of dark, wet winters (not counting the two I’ve managed to escape from) a few more won’t hurt.

In the meantime, on with happier memories and more Bali entries. They’re being backdated after one day, so that they fit in with the time frame.

PS. It’s just taken me three hours to cook tonight’s curries—and they’re not even particularly good—so the next Bali entry has to wait until tomorrow. So long.

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