Wicked Fruit
Sorry to disappoint—this is just a recipe entry!
We have had four successive days of sunshine, so there is talk about a heatwave, of bunking off work, of reckless abandon. I shudder to think what a typical Australian summer would do to the British economy… or even a summer like the ones I used to know from childhood.
But with the sun, out come the salads. Greek salad, green salad, potato salad, avocado and prawn salad, coleslaw, salade Niçoise—I’m sure I have posted recipes for all of these on this blog. I also remember from visiting my in-laws that a large bowl of fruit salad was a particular nice way to round off a summer Sunday lunch: serve with plenty of ice cream and if you feel naughty splash some liqueur over it. Which brings me to the ice cream sundaes you could get at the italian gelaterias (‘Eisdiele’) back in Germany…
But such pleasures can also be had closer to home. Next time you have a lemon or lime sorbet (which is quite the most refreshing desert in the summer heat), put a bottle of gin in the freezer and splash on a generous measure. If you have a needle and syringe, the Nosh Brothers recommend injecting spirits and liqueurs into small peices of fruit such as cherries and strawberries; however, this can also be scaled up. It may have been Jamie Oliver who mentioned watermelons, the big light green ones with mottled strips that you find at Turkish and other near-eastern food stores. Next time you are invited to a BBQ, buy a whole one about three days before, carefully cut out a round hole (keep the lid in the fridge) and ‘feed’ it slowly and gradually with vodka. A large fruit should absorb most of a bottle. Replace the lid and take it to the party!
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