BootsnAll Travel Network

The staggering incompetence of Worldnomads Travel Insurance

(Incidentally, names of employees have been removed by request)

I think the following email exchange speaks for itself. Most of the exchange between WN and its unfortunate clients takes place on their website, which seems to be a source of great confusion (why does Denise forward X’s decline letter to my email address now??).

Also bear in mind that this company is based in Australia. They require that I get in touch with them by snail mail both to submit a claim and subsequently take up matters with the Internal Dispute Resolution people. Phoning them to clarify matters isn’t an option.

In the future, I will at least stick to local companies!

The background story has been discussed on the BNA forums and also on LP’s Thorntree. Over 1½ thousand people have viewed these messages. WN has yet to learn anything from that.

My reply:

Further to your message from 27th March; you have attached the decline letter for claim 250053, which refers to my digital camera (separately insured). I subsequently submitted a claim for the backpack and my other belongings, stolen during the same incident, which you closed without comment. These two claims will have to be combined and I await a new reference number for use in my correspondence with IDR.

The original decline letter also refers to an enclosed brochure outlining the IDR process which I have not received. I enquired about this and received the following email on March 7th:

Dear Ms Schnapp,

The information you requested was posted to your home address on the 24th of Feb, please be aware that international mail can take up to 4 weeks to reach its destination,

Kind Regards

Client Services Consultant

Mondial Assistance House
74 High Street, Toowong QLD 4066 Australia
P. 1800 066 896
F. +61 7 3305 7016

I have still not received the information I requested.

Furthermore you have not included an address where to write to or the name of the person who will deal with this matter; which reminds me: why do you keep addressing me as ‘Miss’ and, in the case of X, even sign off with ‘Yours Faithfully’? Do I not have a name?


Oooops, look who’s forgotten to address the lovely Miss Denise in turn! That was entirely unintentional. The rest of the exchange continues with the email I replied to above. The elements of the attached letter of decline which actually refer to WN’s decision are marked in bold:


Dear Miss Schnapp,

Thank you for your email.

I have attached the decline letter for you. You may write to IDR (Internal Disputes Resolution) if you are not happy with the outcome of the claim. There is no form as such to fill out, you just write asking them to review the claim, and if you have any more information to add, please do so.
Hope this assists you.



22 February 2006

Dear Dr Schnapp


We refer to your claim for your personal belongings and advise that your claim has now been assessed.



a)We will reimburse the repair cost, or loss, of any luggage/personal effects which are stolen or accidentally lost or damaged be we can reduce any amount we pay having regard to depreciation and wear and tear.


12. Loss, or theft of, or damage to:

c) Property that you leave unsupervised in a public place to which the public has access, or that happens because you do not take reasonable care to protect it.

Unsupervised means:

* Leaving your luggage with a person you have not previously met
* Leaving it in any position where it can be taken without your knowledge
* Leaving it such a distance from you that you are unable to prevent it being taken

Dear Miss

Public Place means:

any place where the public has access to, including but not limited to, planes, taxis, buses, trains, shops, airports, railway stations, museums, galleries, hotel foyers and general access areas, beaches, restaurants and public toilets.

Based on the information provided on the 05/01/2006 you were waiting at the harbour terminal for the Pelni ship �Awu� to sail to Maumere. A man spoke to you and when you turned around again, your backpack had disappeared. It was leaning against a wall a few metres away from you.

As the backpack was in a position where it was taken without your knowledge it was clearly unsupervised. As per the policy definition above the harbour terminal where the backpack was taken from is also considered a public place.

Subsequently, from the information provided, it is clear that your personal effects were left unattended and unsupervised in a public place. It is also clear that you had not taken reasonable care to protect them from loss.

Therefore we must advise that we are unable to offer settlement for your personal belongings as you have left your property unsupervised in a public place. Furthermore your claim has been denied.

In accordance with the General Insurance Code of Practice our company has an Internal Dispute Resolution Committee. Please refer to the enclosed brochure outlining our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) process. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim you may request that the Committee review your claim by writing to us explaining the reason for your dissatisfaction. You will receive a response from the Committee within 15 business days of your request for review

Yours Faithfully,


Case Manager

From: A [mailto:[email]]
Posted At: Monday, 27 March 2006 8:48 AM
Posted To: World Nomads Assistance
Conversation: WNGBR05002982-01-44 Dr Dorothee Schnapp
Subject: WNGBR05002982-01-44 Dr Dorothee Schnapp
Importance: High

Hi Mondial,

Could you please contact the insured ASAP
Subject URGENT Claims Assistance Request
Date and time 25.03.2006 00:22
From: Dr Dorothee Schnapp
Phone: 01189 814519
Country: GBR
Policy number: WNGBR05002982
Claim number: WNGBR05002982-01-44.

This is one of two claims (actually referrig to the same incident where my backpack was stolen–it contained a separately insured digital camera) which you REJECTED.

I have an issue with this. You have alledgedly(sic) mailed me information about your internal complaints procedure on February 24th.

These documents have not yet been received.

A – Global Account Manager / Global Consultant
( B +61 2 8263 0477 ( M +61 431 807 113
* [email


Legal small print deleted: I’ve chosen to make this information public. I have removed my address (signature file).

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