The Great Indonesian Flu
Yahoo is notoriously difficult to get into, I may change my account to Gmail. I don’t know what their excuse is for running such slow servers. So I tried the old ‘mailto’ protocol instead, but got Outlook Express, from which of course it is not possible to send a simple email without having to run the Internet Connection Wizard. Thanks, Microsoft!
Hence another personal message disguised as a blog entry:
Hi John,
What do you mean ‘relax in Bali’? What about diving?? Diving in neighbouring Lombok is great. The logbooks (blue wallets) are in the box next to the computer desk and the contact lenses are in the small box under the bathroom sink. But even if you don’t want to go diving, bring at least a mask and snorkel! If I ever get access to USB, I’ll show you pictures of the corals around here.
BTW, the Great Indonesian Flu is making the rounds and everyone has it—in Sulawesi at least. It is a bastard: just when you think you got off lightly it hits with the second round, which includes fever. We didn’t need to worry about the Bird Flu virus recombining with Human Influenza in Europe where the arrival of migratory birds coincided with the flu season: it can happen here at any time!
Some Islamicists just bombed Palu market. They are joyless bastards. By happy coincidence I did not travel through there (there was a direct nightbus to Palopo). But don’t worry too much—it means that security is going to be tightened up quite a few more notches!
Happy New Year! Here in Rantepao it is great, a real party town. It is all part of the Tana Toraja culture (Google it—I can’t. Internet is too slow.)
Hopefully the weather will improve and I will recover from the flu, so I can have a look around soon.
Tags: SE Asia, Tag Index
December 31st, 2005 at 21:03
Diving is relaxing! I’ll bring the kit.
Happy New Year!