BootsnAll Travel Network

Surveillance Society

Britain is `sleep walking into a surveillance society’. We now have a CCTV camera for every 14 inhabitants. We also have creeping surveillance on every level. We’re in the bottom five of a 36-nation survey on privacy protection, along with China and Malaysia.

Nice one.

I just had to comment on that on the BBC ‘have your say’ website . Too many people have the ‘I’m innocent, so I have nothing to hide/fear’ attitude—which is just staggering in its naïvity.

Look back a little on this blog, under ‘Tadley Times’, and you might come across the odd entry about demonstrations at our Friendly Neighbourhood Atomic Weapons Establishment (which quietly works on replacing Britain’s ageing Trident system—non-proliferation treaty or not. Such things make it hard to speak out against nations such as North Korea and Iran who have similar ambitions).

Attending peace marches and similar activities can be covered by anti-terror legislation.

We all have something to fear. They will come for you, one day, if we let them.

Incidentally, I had to give my full name and town (fair enough), email and phone number before I could place my comment. Hands up anyone who reckons that this comment won’t appear on the site, because I used a spamgourmet address ;). Yep, thought so. Another comment I made (as an ex-user of Seroxat) also never appeared.


Look over here for continued NaNoWriMo madness. I hope to eventually get back to moderating. For now, the story’s under control, but in the mornings, writing takes precedence because just looking at the boards would mean I won’t get back to it in a hurry. If it wasn’t for the brilliant Free Dictionary, I wouldn’t even dial in.

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