Off to Portugal
Landround Travel have sent a letter after they could not reach me by phone. When I called back they just wanted to confirm my first choice of destination and date for my complementary flight to Europe — no hard sell of insurance, hotels etc. This seems to be one promotions company which is above board. So on the 10th of November I’m off to Portugal!
Sure it is not the Seychelles, but for some reason Portugal is one country I have never managed to visit and yearned to — ever since we had to cancel a planned trip there back in 1998 due to work commitments. This time I’ll leave John to his work and set off alone — all for 20 quid airport tax, thanks to eye-books!
I recommend their Heaven & Hell travel writing competition. Up for grabs is a free flight to anywhere in the world for the best entry and free flights to Europe for those published in their annual anthology. It’s my first print-clip and the standard is high so I was well chuffed to be included. Simply sign up and submit your entries (up to 1000 words) on-line.
By the way, they are nice to book authors too. If you get a rejection for your manuscript, it will be gentle :}
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