BootsnAll Travel Network

Not much to blog about…

There isn’t much to blog about in the next two weeks. The summer is up to a slow start. Even Ken from the Alba Re-inactment and Clan Heritage Trust says it is the slowest season he has experienced so far. Normally we’d be busy since mid-May at least, swinging swords and battle axes at special events all over Scotland.

Having joined in February, John and I are all set to go but there are no events suitable for us novices until Scribbler’s Picnic on June 20th. This annual charity fundraiser is held in memory of local musician, journalist and teacher Graham Whitelaw, who died from cancer in 2001. He had a regular column in the Stirling Observer where he was known as “The Scribbler”.

As is the way with these things, everything then happens at once. We have to go to Kent to see rellies who are visiting from Philadelphia, several people in London want to pick John’s brain about research projects and there is the BootsNall party on the 19th. I am half-tempted to jump on a nightbus and make an appearance at Scribbler’s Picnic the morning after – having done all that training I am now quite handy with an Archer’s sword and raring to go, but I’m not 21 any more, nor rich for that matter.

After all that, it will be time to get ready for Ard. I’m as excited as a student before the first term at university. Three months among whales, otters and basking sharks…

There is a wide selection of reality TV currently showing here. Among others these include a bunch of celebs training as chefs with the fearsome tripple Michelin-starred Gordon Ramsay in “Hell’s Kitchen”, “Big Brother” 5, “Jimmy’s Farm”, “Bollywood Star” and any number of people swapping life-styles or setting up home abroad. But my current favourite has to be “Britain goes Wild”. Three weeks of nightly programes from wildlife sites all around the country ranging from people’s gardens to seabird sanctuaries, giving me a little taste of things to come. Stars of the show include the residents of a badger sett and a family of otters. Best of all, the public can phone if they know of good wildlife sites and the BBC will send a camera team around. What a shame that this happens just before the season in Ard — what a publicity coup that would have been! Unfortunately, it is too early in the year to see many minke whales. Who knows, maybe the Beeb will visit the people studying the dolphins in the Murray Firth instead.

So there it is, a lot to look forward to this summer, but not much to blog about at the moment.

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