Guts no Gusto
John has said that he doesn’t like chitlings. I don’t get it. Sure, the dish wasn’t as delicate as the one we had in Taiwan, but it wasn’t cooked wrong—that is the way they taste! But if it means an end to Gonzo cooking for now that’s fine with me, it was getting a little tiresome. With the sun finally out, it is a time for quiche and salads and we’ll have pizza tonight. However, this is still England: plans for a weekend BBQ are on hold as grey clouds are starting to gather.
I have just sent off a fat sheaf of photocopies to the twinkly lawyer. These contain confidential and embarrasing supplementary material to my medical record, including what the police and Stirling mental health services say about me in response to a formal complaint. It isn’t pretty and I think that I must (still) be crazy to make this stuff public beyond the complaints board and the shrink whose competence I kinda questoned. What have I let myself into now… I need The Nervous Breakdown Manual back, it is my only crutch!