BootsnAll Travel Network

General update (COR6)

Yesterday I spent a little time with my Wordsmith manual, playing with the program, and I must say I’m hooked. WS offers all the usual word processor formatting options, but it is optimised for display on Palm’s tiny screen (it is easy to switch to full screen mode when typing and recover toolbars as needed). Particular useful features for writers: comments and bookmarks can be inserted ad libitum (very useful for plotting!) and the switch between ‘edit’ and ‘view’ mode happens at a tap on the button. In ‘view’ mode there are three different scrolling options, each with variable speed, and it is also possible to jump to paragraphs or bookmarks. In short, it is a thing of beauty and even the newest version will fit smugly onto my Palm. I’m off to register, it’s worth the thirty bucks!

Today, my Palm backup card arrived (16MB, brand new, from Ebay) and it works like a dream. My entire palm can now be backed up at a tap and restored just as easily so I can relax about battery changes (i.e. use the backlight, invest in a games card or read some ebooks: the m125 for everyday—not just for work but also play!)

I’ve just ordered a Highlander ‘Voyager’ mozzi net. I have also looked at travel insurance policies (for the over 40s), but it turns out that I need exact dates, so book flights first. This is getting serious!

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