Easter Protest
“It is as if the politicians are still operating in a parallel universe where natural laws do not apply. They would never dare to deal with fiscal meltdown in the same cavalier manner.” (Editorial, New Scientist 26th March)
The Editorial in New Scientist refers to last month’s ‘Stabilisation 2005’ meeting on climate change in Exeter. Although the government convened the meeting as part of its initiative during the G8 presidency, it does not appear that politicians listen to the scientists’ conclusion that “the risks are more serious than previously thought”. Some of the ‘tipping points’—events which result in irreversible change—may only be a decade away. Yet, none of these findings were discussed during a meeting of senior ministers on climate change in the UK last week. Too little, too late.
When I was young, the biggest threat came from a nuclear holocaust. Perhaps this threat has now been replaced by pending environmental disaster, but that does not mean that we should be complacent about the danger of nuclear weapons. Apparently, the government is commissioning a new generation of warheads to be build at AWE—the complex is not mainly engaged in decomissioning these days, as I had naïvely assumed. This Easter Monday, there will be a demonstration outside the fence:
I’ll be there and will report more about the event and what is going on at our friendly neighbourhood facility during next week.
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