COR 11
I have a Windoze box! Yeah, I know. Bought at an auction for 140 quid. It has all of 128MB RAM, but I have just (for the first time ever) copied and pasted the entire entry in one go! It also meant that for a brief, heady moment I had two working PDAs. My head was spinning—at least until the Palm HotSync manager decided to stop working. I unistalled the whole thing, cleaned up whatever I could find, restarted the computer and reinstalled from the .zip file only to find my stupid data entries still there i.e. nothing had been fixed. Cheers, Windoze; trying to make our lives easier as per usual (not). So ‘m still physically dependent on my husband’s laptop to HotSync. But once, just the once, I was able to do this all by myself and during that process I managed to install a trial version of the glorious BackupBuddyVFS. I installed it on the SD card and backed up the Palm. I restored the Palm. —The ‘date and time’ preferences screen popped up.
I soft-reset, tapped on the ‘home’ icon—and there it was! The launch screen in all its glory. It was almost as if BackupBuddyVFS™ shrugged and said: “Yeah? So what?” Could this be the answer to all my problems?
Wait a minute; or had I just forgotten to soft reset previously? Was that all that was wrong with my Palm Backup card? I tried. Nope. I hard-reset and restored again with BackupBuddyVFS™, without a hitch.
To restore Wordsmith (without which the Palm will not recognize any files) I had to HotSync on my husband’s laptop and it was a foul and unpleasant experience. To say that this thing is straining our relationship is putting it mildly. He’s late for work and I’m afraid of doing anything on the Palm. Using this device to write a novel sounds preposterous right now. If only I had known from the start. I wondered why so many people pay hundreds of dollars for AlphaSmart keyboards which weigh a kilogram, have a tiny screen (used to, at least) and were good for nothing but writing on. Now I know. If only I had done the same. And the ironic thing is that AlphaSmart keyboards run on Palm OS!
So here’s a dare. Yesterday I tried to convert an RTF file to Palmdoc with my little graphic interface which I have registered and finally managed to install, thanks to the wonders of USB and the SD card reader. Alas, it came up with an error message. Without Wordsmith I could not see the file on the Palm so now I’m going to try to read it. I’m not optimistic, but if the conversion utility doesn’t work, I’m going to have to do something about it.
Nope, doesn’t show. It would have been too good to be true. But I don’t mind if the Palm only does one-way traffic, you can’t have everything (just tell that to the guys at Psion, I’m sure they’re still shaking their heads wondering where their company has gone. To which I only say one thing: “Compatibility, Baby!”). So I’m going to write my LJ entry on the Palm and convert it into RTF. Again, I’m not optimistic but here goes…
Yeah, we’re getting there. It’s a good idea to take the time to play around next to your desktop before you take a set-up such as this on the road. Get this: the files will convert and display just fine if you stick them in the right folder! Wordsmith just can’t ‘see’ them otherwise and the quirky Palm regards files as part of a program.
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