BootsnAll Travel Network

Bubble Tea with Cayce

Seems that every day at five, without fail, the internet goes down. This is also the last time that I’m blogging from that horrible basement internet café, so I’ll keep this brief. Better updates hopefully tomorrow from Miri.

It was a lovely surprise when Cayce, a fellow Bootsnaller and local biologist featured in Daniel Wallace’s blog, got in touch, suggesting we meet up.

I had, somewhat hastily, booked a ticket for the nightbus to Miri for the following day (today), thinking myself lucky that she found the time for a quick chat, but she emailed back with an invitation to attend a wildlife film festival and a bird watching trip to Baku National Park over the weekend. For a while I was tempted to cancel that bus.

Back then, I’d followed Daniel’s and her escapades during his stay in Kuching avidly, my own travel plans still far off. I particularly remember an entry titled ‘Good Girls Drink Bubble Tea’. Like most of Daniel’s writing, it is funny and engaging and quite thought-provoking, but it left me with one burning question: what the hell is bubble tea? Google revealed that it is soy milk or flavoured tea with sago pearls (bubbles) in it and that it is not actually Malaysian but originated in Taiwan, although it’s fast becoming popular all over Asia.

One day, I thought: I, too, will drink bubble tea in Asia!—and ended up doing it in Kuching, with Cayce. A travel fantasy turned reality. By the way, the stuff is highly recommended; it is almost more of a meal than a drink. I’m keeping an eye out for more.

Cayce has a keen interest in travel and wanted to hear all about my plans. I told her that I was going to try to enter Indonesia via Tawau and continue on to Sulawesi and the Moluccas. On the way I hoped to see a lot more of Borneo, but off the beaten track if possible.

“That is amazing,” said the woman who has spent five years studying wild Orang Utans in the rainforest in the heart of Borneo and was currently in the process of organising a two-day international wildlife film festival.

No, that is amazing!

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One Response to “Bubble Tea with Cayce”

  1. Blablablabla Says:


    if you wish to travel to Indonesia via Tawau, please don’t hesitate to read

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