BootsnAll Travel Network

And we’re off…

No, not to Bangkok just yet, although my departure is imminent:

Instead, NaNo has started. This is my first progress report:


Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
1,116 / 50,000

(so far today)

Sanity level: 125/100 (slightly manic)

Units of Cider: 0 (so far today)

Excerpt du Jour: On her way back to the office, Joan recalled the conversation. Unusual for George, it had been a phone call rather than an email. Even more unusual since it must have been about 7:00 a.m. in Chicago– until she learned that he was calling from Jabalpur where it was late afternoon. So, something must have rattled him enough to fly out to India, but at least he had hung on to his sanity.
“A new Troodontid skull? From Madhya Pradesh? Oh George, that is–”
“Hear me out: it looks as if somebody put it there.”

There won’t be so many updates on this blog while I’m getting stuck into this insane tale, but you can follow my progress on my LifeJournal and I’ll be back very soon with travel-related stuff.

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