A Little Backpacker Lore
It’s nice to know that I still got it. It’s been a while…
Allways bring a pocket knifenever put your pocket knife in the hand luggage 😉- Pear’s Transparent Soap for hair, skin and clothes. Wash your T-shirt in the shower, smalls in the sink every day (if possible).
- (Ruthless division) Talk to strangers. Once people know your name, you’re less likely to come to grief on their patch.
- Don’t forget your sunscreen. Vaseline is the best moisturiser and doesn’t leak.
- You may be late for dinner. Dried noodles are cheap and nourishing. Ditto crackers.
- Wear a moneybelt. Your hosts may be honest people, but the other travellers staying at the guesthouse arent. You may be mugged, but it will take some doing. Muggers prefer to grab stuff fast, unless they are desperate in which case surrender. See point 3 above and make sure you’re not on your own in the dark.
- Always carry a water bottle. Best are the 1 litre ones that come with a sports cap. A chlorine tablet will purify clear water in twenty minutes. Thankfully I don’t need chlorine tablets in Trini.
- Coconuts are nature’s own energy drink, although Caribbean coconuts are no patch on the king coconuts of Sri Lanka.
- You need salt when you sweat a lot. It’s OK to eat the occasional packet of crisps. But see above.
- Imodium is useful when travelling, but don’t use it otherwise. The runs are a natural defense.
- Carry vitamin pills. Even in the tropics.
There. This should assure hubby that I’ll be fine 😉
Tags: Americas, backpacking, tips, Trinidad and Tobago, Tag Index