No chance at Second Life
Virtual communities have been touted since the early nineties, but I expected that they went out with the VR hype back then. Not so. A sort-of hybrid virtual ‘world’, Second Life, has braved it out since 2003 and its popularity is about to explode. SL has been in the headlines lately, because its currency is exchangable with US$—a real economy in a virtual world—and it is the setting not just for real businesses and jobs, but also for real scams. Besides, a lot of real-life companies set up shop there, including IBM with its secret island headquarters to name but one example.
In short, everyone’s doing it and as one SF writer put it: ‘go there—it’s where you find your audience now’. So I did, assuming the ridiculous name of Kila Kovacs (in my defense: Kila’s a character in ‘The Centuries Summer’ and Kovacs is one from a limited list of surnames on offer). But am I a citizen of Second Life now? Hell, no.
In a throwback almost to the nineties, the site insists on installing software on my computer. As if that is not bad enough (I mean, how do I play on the road/by mobile phone, eh? Riddle me that! It’s the twenty-first century, people), the thing then promptly throws a fit because I don’t have 32 bit screen colour and shuts itself down.
How come that I can watch the promotional videos and high res graphics just fine, but when it comes to playing, it’s a no-no?
Right now, they like me to have at least an 800Hz processor and 256 MB RAM, which I do, but only just. This machine (upgraded) is 3-4 years old, the computer next to it (our old Linux box) 8 or 9. Some of the internet café machines I saw in Asia were older. Our (landlord’s) washing machine dates from 1990 and has just been fixed. I believe in making things last. With the speed with which these people upgrade their software, would I need a new computer by Christmas? And how is that ‘democratic’? Can only the rich kids play? Plus see above: I’d like to play on-line and on the road, please.
So, SL is a non-starter and the virtual universe currently only exists in my head. But at least I can have sleek blue-black fur, swim with the dolphins or float in a castle made of clouds whenever I want. And, come to think of it, one life is enough. I still prefer feeling the sun on my skin to imagining it.
So there.
Tags: computers and gadgets, Neither here nor there, Tag Index