The Trouble with Travelblogging…
…is that travel often leads to where there is no internet, or electricity for that matter.
This is why I have not been in touch for a while. I’m very sorry, John—I back-stepped on my original plan to go to Manado first and email from there, took a bus to Poso instead (which left before the internet café opened) and almost ended up marooned in the Togean Islands for a week.
Long story.
Or rather, quite a few long stories. I will upload and back-date my entries from this time (so that they are in sequence) when I next come across internet access with USB. This blog is therefore likely to lag behind until I get to Bali to meet up with John on January 20th.
To cut a long story short (for now); Indonesia has been a bit of a culture shock. I won’t censure the (printable) parts of my journal too much, which have been typed up on the Palm, because I think it is an object lesson in travel—warts and all. The entries from Dec 21st up until now, as and when they come, comprise a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but I must say that Indonesia is slowly reeling me in. Despite my initial love-hate relationship, the country has me gripped.
All is well. Happy new year from Rantepao, Sulawesi.
PS When I can’t get into Yahoo (such as now) I can still get into this blog! Sometimes this is the only way to get in touch—bear with me. This is extreme blogging.
Tags: SE Asia, Tag Index