Location: Heathrow airport, London.
Time 9pm
Hello. How’s it going? Might as well start this blogging thing in Heathrow airport, where I’m here cutting cheese with the end of my toothbrush. Decided against trying to sneak through a knife. Said goodbye to Ireland little over 3 hours ago. The departure lounge was like a cattle mart, with all the heifers crying on their bullocks’ shoulders. It was full of couples leaving for Australia for a year. I met some friends who are heading to Kenya for the summer. I hadn’t entirely said goodbye to them before so it was handy that I bumped into them.
Had my first awkward situation on this trip. I realised before boarding the plane that there were a few items I should pick up to compliment my bag of clothes and random crap. So I splashed out on a money belt, a waterproof pouch, a combination lock, and travel towel. I discovered a few minutes later that the money belt would only fit around me when I breathed in, even after I adjusted the straps. I needed a money belt so badly that I was going to put up with this inconvenience but I decided to head back to the shop and try exchange the now opened and stretched belt.
I found a lady that looked like she might be a pushover to attempt to get a refund.
“Hey, I’m sorry I bought this belt a few minutes ago and I’ve adjusted it and all and it won’t fit, and I don’t think I’m all that incredibly large.”
“Did you adjust it?”
“Psh. Ya!” (I handed her the adjusted belt)
“You pull here and…….” (at this stage the belt would have fit around two grown men)
”Oh, ya cool. Can you believe I’m travelling the world alone?”
I wanted to return 5 minutes later for help with the combination lock and the waterproof pouch but I didn’t want to seem completely stupid. I got the lock working but I’ll have to wait til I find Michael to get that pouch open.
Security check in was a small nightmare. Took me 4 trays to get all my stuff through the scanner. And these English like people to be compact. I was the only one of the crowd I was following to get two bags through. I needed one tray for my laptop, one for my bag, one for my shopping and coat, and one for my boots, belt, ipod and contents of my pockets. I caused some crazy delays too trying to get my laptop out of it’s protective sleeve whilst also trying to hold up my beltless pants. Wore the wrong jeans for this trip.
I very almost didn´t get on the bus to terminal 4. The bus next to me was heading to terminal 3 and was obviously going to some part of India (judging by all the Indians). It was like my final temptation. I wanted to just run in and have a chat to them and then get back on my merry way. But I got my India fix then by calling Isabella in Shillong. She’s the reason I had no credit to text people back earlier. Sorry people!
9.25pm Having bad memories of many Ryanair flights here. Flight is delayed because catering hasn’t showed up yet. I guess food is as good a reason as any to hang around. I need the extra time anyway to learn some Portugese. I’ve been studying for an hour or so now and still didn’t catch a word of the last announcement.
3am Bathroom breaks just after one wakes up on a plane can be a bad idea I’ve found. Got up and stumbled into a bright room (in our otherwise dark plane). It was full of what seemed like passengers who wanted to read. Some others were standing around so I stood next to them presuming the were also waiting for the bathroom. When I got asked if I needed anything I realised I was in the air stewards’ hangout spot, and no where near the bathroom. One nice one realised I was still half asleep and lead me to the bathroom. She came back a couple of minutes later to find me struggling with the door. With her help I finally made in into the toilet. To make my experience all the worse I had to go through the air stewards’ room again to get back to my seat.
9.07am (5.07 local time) I’m almost in Brazil! People have been asking me recently whether I’m nervous or not. Well I wasn’t until about half an hour ago! I’m half an hour from landing in Sao Paulo and desperately trying to learn the Lonely Planet book off by heart so I don’t have to whip it out in the middle of a street and announce my touristness.
Flight has been great. The air steward bordered on harrassing me with that wine! Not that I’m complaining. Reminded me of my college days and people giving out that I drink too slow.I now have a nice collection of British Airways wine in my bag that I will enjoy at a later date.Time for me to turn off this little puppy. 30 minutes to landing and I have forms to fill out. Talk to you after I get my shiny Brazilian stamp. Tchau!
Tags: Travel
I had same bad experiences with RyanAir. Cheers!