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Adios South America

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Photos on this entry don’t seem to be coming up. I’ll fix them when I get a moment…

After 262 days, 12 flights, 15 nights spent on buses, 11 countries, and 1 baptism it was finally time to say goodbye to South America. Jenny and I saw a mini tornado from our bus on the ride down the coast of Chile to the capital Santiago. We almost fell over each other trying to get some photos out the window of our last sunset. In keeping with how the trip has been going we couldn’t get a direct bus to Santiago but luckily our 12 hour stop over was in a town called La Serena, where the beaches are clean and the hot chocolates are extremely chocolatey.
Before departing I have a few awards to dish out;
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Some days aren’t so great on the road…

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Long story, but it was a long day.

Most days I have on the road are fun. I get up, figure out where I am and what time it is, and then it’s 12 hours of thinking of things to do, places to see and finding food to eat. Us travellers have our own worries and stresses though, but no matter how bad things get, we can’t complain. If we attempt a complaint, we get hit with a “I’m working 40 hours a week, you’re travelling the world” kind of line.

So in the absence of a sympathetic ear, I am going to tell my blog all about the trouble myself and Jenny had getting from Bolivia to Chile. In case you haven’t been paying attention, Jenny is the 18 year old whipper snapper I first met in Peru when she moved into the apartment Michael and I had been sharing. We worked together for a month then she returned to the mean streets of Belfast. Six months later she followed her boyfriend to Brazil where I found her and we took off across Bolivia.
Now our time in Bolivia was up, I had to get to Santiago, the capital of Chile, to catch a flight to Australia and she had a flight back to Brazil, en route to the Emerald Isle. [read on]