Adios South America
Photos on this entry don’t seem to be coming up. I’ll fix them when I get a moment…
After 262 days, 12 flights, 15 nights spent on buses, 11 countries, and 1 baptism it was finally time to say goodbye to South America. Jenny and I saw a mini tornado from our bus on the ride down the coast of Chile to the capital Santiago. We almost fell over each other trying to get some photos out the window of our last sunset. In keeping with how the trip has been going we couldn’t get a direct bus to Santiago but luckily our 12 hour stop over was in a town called La Serena, where the beaches are clean and the hot chocolates are extremely chocolatey.
Before departing I have a few awards to dish out;
Best Place for Sunsets: Nicaragua
Best Food: Argentina (man those steaks!)
Cheapest country: Joint winners; Nicaragua and Bolivia
Best Experience: Performing a baptism in Peru. Sandboarding close second.
Scariest Experience: Need you ask? Earthquake!
Dodgiest Moment: Being left of in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, by an angry bus driver in Panama.
Best Music: Regaetton: It’s everywhere, but the Nicaraguans seem to like it most.
Best Song: That ‘Flo, la discoteca, dos!’ one. Or ‘Tocarte Toa’ by Calle 13. Have to get this amazingness recognised in Ireland.
Country I have to return to: Paraguay. There has to be something there! Maybe I needed more than 2 days to find it…..
I had plans to dish out loads of these, it all seems very important when I’m sitting on a bus with 12 hours left in the journey.
Anyway, that’s it, end of South America. Thanks to the crew, the people who made this amazing; Jenny, Michael, Aisling, Stevie and Kelly in Peru, all the gang in Nicaragua, and my make-shift family for Christmas in Argentina, Christian and Ylva.
I’ll probably keep writing for the rest of the trip; Australia, Asia and Sweden. Only 6 months left!
Last few photos from Chile:
Pretty church in the desert:
Wide view of our predicament
Wasn’t much else I could do with the bus that far into the sand, so I danced
Jenny’s emergency escape:
Jenny adding some extra weight to the truck to get our bus free
Mini tornado we saw:
Our last sunset
Saying goodbye
Tags: Chile, South America
Hi Claire,
I stumbled on your blog while looking for travel blogs and am glad I did. Besides the fact that I just spent all day reading ALL your posts, I am also very jealous!! You seem to be having way too much fun. Actually you have also inspired me and I might try to convince my husband to take a couple of months off and travel the length and breadth of my own country (India) to start with….
Keep writing….
Wow thank you very much!
You should definitely travel India, I’ll be there for the summer and I really can’t wait. It’s an amazing country.
It is amazing that you had the oportunity to spend so much time in South America. When I traveled I just visited Peru that is an amazing country with a lot of places to know. I remember I practice sandboarding in Ica and many other activities. I donĀ“t know if you hired a travel agency but I did It and was very good. That is way I want to recommend to everybody; its name is TurPeru and its website is You will find offers if you reserve online.
Last you were able to see South America! That’s amazing that you were able to perform a baptism while on your trip, I don’t think many people can say that have done that on their travels. I went there about two years ago and it was the most amazing trip I have taken. Patagonia glaciers , penguins, mountains, and interacting with the locals were all part of what made this trip magical.