BootsnAll Travel Network

Photo Testing

I want to know how to do funky things like link to photos. So this is my photo testing entry. To practice I’ll put up a few photos from my weekend in Kerry after which I had to say farewell to two friends Claire and Maedhbh.

First a photo of Maedhbh after we climbed a massive mountain:

This is Claire and Maedhbh strolling down the mountain:

And one of me, so you know who’s writing. This is me serenading the local wildlife, as I often do…..with my one song.

In other news, I’m almost ready to set off on my adventures! Leaving for Sao Paulo, Brazil on June 12th. Once I locate my wallet I’ll be all set to go.

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One response to “Photo Testing”

  1. Barnsley escorts

    Photo Testing » TravelBlog Archive » Claire takes on the world….