Photos: Thailand
Gee whiz, it’s been a while since I’ve posted some photos on here. Time to catch up a bit. Of course, all the Lubeck photos are on Flickr.
So, here’s a couple from Thailand, just to whet the appetite.
Tuk Tuk. Our first ride in a tuk tuk. Super fun for all ages. view image
Snap. Plastic glasses, stupid heat, and vigorous cleaning do not happy glasses make. view image
I Tried. I tried to compensate, but it didn’t quite work. view image
The Mighty Mekong. And now onto Chiang Khong. This was the splendid view from the patio of our guesthouse, overlooking the Mekong River. That’s Laos across the other side. view image
Hello!. We bought a whole bunch of bananas off this lady, while she sat on the roadside as night fell. We weren’t actually hungry, we just wanted to see her cheeky smile. view image
Bikeman. It’d been a while since I’d ridden a bike, but it’s a bit like, well, riding a bike, isn’t it?. This was taken during our ride to some small villages around Chiang Khong. view image
Boatie. A view from the Thai side of the river, looking across to Laos. view image
Leaving Thailand. Looking back to the port in Chiang Khong, from the long-boat that ferried us across to Laos. view image
And that was the end of Thailand. So long, sucker.
Tags: Photos, Thailand, Travel