The Eve of Deduction ( I hope)
I know how to pack all of my needs for a couple of months in a single carry-on bag. I know how to let things happen when I arrive – rarely planning a definitive thing beyond the first night after getting my passport stamped. I know how to travel with a companion; sharing intensifies the appreciation of the sights, sounds, and tastes of location.
But I’m now about to be off for 6 months and at least 7 countries. Yeah, I am hooking up with friends in Oz for a couple of weeks, and another friend for nearly 3 weeks in SE Asia, but for the most part, I‘ll be off on my own.
It’s not exactly trepidation; I’m not too worried about being out there by myself. I’m giving this entirely too much thought I suppose, but I’d rather not eat alone. It’s always way weird to sit by yourself in a restaurant.
Even though I am of a certain age, I will travel as a backpacker. It’s a philosophical choice and a financial necessity. I suspect that the other travelers I will meet will be some 30 years younger than I am. Will I get along with the kids?
Despite those additional years, it’s not like I’ve gone gently into the abyss of middle age. Living in Alaska has given me plenty of incentive to keep the rocking chair a few years away as there’s too much fun to be had kayaking, skiing, hiking, and mountain biking.
This week I’ve been getting my possessions all sorted out – what do I keep and store? What do I give to my son for him to take to the university? What do I sell…give away…throw away? My lease is up at the end of the month, so I will be officially homeless. Now that’s way too weird, yet at the same time, quite liberating. What will I do when I get back to Alaska?
And while sorting out the possessions I do have, I have acquired a couple more for the trip. My first purchase has been a new IPod, not only for music on those long Pacific flights, but to store photos. To take those photos I also bought a Canon digital camera with a 12x zoom. It took 2.5 frustrating days to research cameras and finally click away and actually buy one – the paralysis of analysis.
I’ve squandered a perfectly beautiful day today boxing up stuff and now I am sitting at the computer wasting time writing about it all. I should be out on the river or on some trail. Luckily, this bear wandered in my yard this afternoon, so not a complete waste of a day.
And that’s the thing about living in a place where people go for their vacations. I live where I want to go. But I do want to see and do as much as I can manage in this life.
Tags: alaska, bears, Travel