BootsnAll Travel Network

part fact, part humor, all me, all over

One giant leap for Aimee’s kind!

October 2nd, 2008

The kind that has NO IDEA what they are doing! haha.  I just finished writing my weekly reports on each student.  Today is Thursday but it’s our Friday because tomorrow is “The National Foundation Day” – whatever that is.  Today went so much better!!!!  And I attribute that to candy and a field trip.  And pretzels.   cambridge-908.jpg

*Picture: Cambridge from left to right – Ashlie, Young, Elice, Alex, Deborah, Roy, Ricky and Patrick on Pajama Day*  

This morning I had class with Cambridge but not with Bristol because we all went for a ride on the subway.  Right now, as you might deduce, the theme is transportation and many of these kids have never been on the subway.  Both Bristol and Cambridge as well as the teachers got on the Helen Doran bus together and then rode the subway.  It was so frickin cute!!!!!  When we got on the subway it was crowded and some people got up to let the children sit.  This old lady was delighted to have little Young and Ashlie sitting next to her.  So adorable!!!   I don’t know if my exclamation points are getting that message across. People were smiling and I just laughed. 

It wasn’t as cold today so of course I was too warm.    Yeck!  I know I must have been caught in a few snapshots and I hope they don’t get too far.  Speaking of pictures, my computer at home isn’t letting me upload any onto this site.  It worked on facebook but I’m going to try again!  I know there is a lot of text but trust me – I have plenty of pictures to break it up.  PLENTY. 


Back to why today went almost “well”.  We got back just in time for lunch.  After lunch I had Cambridge again but we didn’t do too much work since Bristol had missed a class with me today.  When they finished their assignment and put away their markers, I gave them all Hershey kisses because I am wonderful haha and also let them try pretzels.  I let them play on the mat till class was over.  Then it was off to Bristol.

I dove right in with, “I have candy for you.”  I proceeded to break it down for them and have them repeat:  “Color. Put away crayons.  Eat candy. Play with blocks. Stickers. Hometime.”     Of course Bristol and Cambridge are usually like night and day so bumping Bristol up to evening was a delight!  haha.  oh c’mon. HAHAHA. 


The ditto they had to do was a little over their heads, at least I think so.  There was a lot of effort on my part to help each of them get it done.  By the end of the day I gave everyone 5 stickers!  (That’s really good!)  Johann, who I always want to call Sebastien for some weird reason, actually got a prize today because he turned in his completed sticker sheet.  Whoo hoo!  I have no idea what he got but that’s the school’s policy. 


Every notice how many people spell the word “weird” wrong?  I notice it all the time!  “EI” people!!!!  Andrea caught me in the hallway a little while ago and told me that tonight we’re meeting at 7:30 pm to go to ?Woodstock????  Like  lots of mud woodstock?  I have no idea.  I doubt it.  We’re also doing dinner and then going to a bar.  So I guess I’ll tell you about that tomorrow. 

No, I still don’t want kids of my own and no, I still don’t want a career as a teacher, but I just wanted to say for the record that I really like my kids!  I apologize if yesterday seemed a little “frustrating” in my blog.  Because it was. haha. 

Oh MAJOR UPDATE: I had to change my Halloween costume because… I’m not sure why… but now I’m wearing a kimono.  I’ve actually always wanted to do that but I thought that I wouldn’t try to pull off an Asian in Asia. 

Ok well other teachers need to use the computer. 



the patience of an angel… the wrath of your mother!

October 1st, 2008

I really don’t feel like being funny now.  If I had written this at 2:30 pm I’m afraid that the profanity might have been a little too much for your innocent eyes. haha.  Ok that wasn’t funny. 


*Picture: Yes there is a driving range on the top of the school!  Here is Alex from my Cambridge class practicing for the pros.*

Bristol was HORRIBLE today!  I made one kid cry.  I gave him like 35 chances and then made him and two other boys stand in the hallway.  Ian is such a sweet and smart kid but honestly I think he’s also part monkey because he loves touching everyone.  And always likes to keep moving.  And speaking Korean which is a no-no at this school when you’re not in Korean class.  I obviously don’t teach Korean because I would make the world a dumber place…though I might be anyway….hmmm.  I’m such a super teacher.  S-U-P-E-R.  They also like to stand on their chairs,  jump up to erase things that they can’t really reach on the board, push, fight over whose chair is whose, whine over which color crayon they are missing, then hit each other with the crayons and I’m not even gonna talk about the markers… The concept of don’t scream and push the chairs around the room like a choo choo train has completely escaped them. 

*Picture: Ricky*

I think I finally got through to the class that Aimee Teacher wasn’t happy.  WHen I came back in the room after putting poor little Ian, Danny, and Philip (he tends to copy the actions of whoever is behaving badly, also like a monkey) in the hallway, the room was dead silent and one kid was half hiding under the table.  Not that that’s new but this time I think he was scared. Then I said “Aimee Teacher is not happy.”  I think my downtroden tone made them think wow Aimee Teacher is NOT happy.

*Picture: Elice*

I told them it was “Hometime” -(you know… go get your backpack and whatnot)  and  “sticker time” (when you award ~ everybody say it with me ~stickers. Very good!  Try talking like that the whole day.  I’ll give you an hour. haha.)  Just so you understand, these stickers are like gold.  You’re supposed to put them on this paper on the wall and when you have all the spots filled you get a prize.  Well my kids happen to like to wander around the room, ripping off stickers here and sticking them on the floor… or on their noses. 

I don’t like repremanding.  I just don’t.  I must admit my strategies are being shot down one after another.  Hear this: I will not give up!!!!  No white flag on this side you little monsters!

*Picture: Alex*

 I think I told you how they moved this one “troublemaker” Mickey to my Cambridge class hoping to improve Bristol.  I’m very happy to report that Mickey is behaving so much better!  He still gets a little stubborn about some things and says “No. No Aimee Teacher,” crosses his arms and turns the other way.  However if you’ve ever studied psychology, you know about the id, ego anod superego and quite honestly I think Mickey will soon be out of the “no” stage.  He’s not a bad kid.  He’s three!  Haha – I did make him leave the room (was it today or yesterday) for too much Korean.   Not happy about that.

*Picture: Mickey*

Apparently there was a memo I didn’t get.  Yeeeeeeeeeah.  This week is dress your kid in Burburry week.  Hehe.  Honestly I don’t even know if I spelled that right because I don’t own any Burburry.  I saw a cute little Burburry dress, a pair of pants, etc.  Their clothes are worth more than my life!  I don’t understand why someone would dump a TON of cash on a pair of “true religion” jeans that the kid in gonna fit into for a couple months.  And don’t even get me started on baby showers.  Seriously.  Mikey, any idea how much those jeans go for?  He’s like mini-Mikey (my old roomie for the rest of you).  In fact I kept messing up and calling him Mikey for the first couple weeks.  My bad.  I think his mom gave him a perm since his hair is curly… that’s the word between the classrooms anyways. 

*Picture: Roy*

Let’s talk about the term LANGUAGE BARRIER.  Yup.  The barrier is beating me down!  Allow me to explain myself.  I take two buses to get to school in the am.  One is a regular bus and the other is the happy Helen Doran school bus that plays nursery rhymes ALL THE WAY TO SCHOOL.  EVERYDAY.  PROBABLY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.  Every (very rich) kid gets picked up right in front of his or her house/apt.  It’s a wonderful little process really.  First I get off the bus and greet the children and parents happily in English.  After helping the kids on the bus, Flora takes them to their seats and buckles them in.  Flora advised me that I should really bow more to the parents and help the kids onto the bus.  Physically.  This one kid JJ is so tiny – one of the 3 year olds.  I j love watching him.  He cracks me up.  Sometimes at school I just scoop him up so that he can keep up with the rest of the class. 

*Picture: Deborah*

The first time I had to take the (regular) bus by myself, I was told to stand by apt. building number 2, which I had been told when I arrived was my own.  Well it turns out someone told me incorrectly and that was the day I got to ride on Angus’ motorcycle.   Normally I take the bus at 7:30 am bus and switch to the 8:10 am on alternate weeks. 

Taking the 8:10 am bus, I go to a different location.  The first time I attempted to go I asked the driver to tell me when it was Suji Middle School.  I must have been the most annoying passenger because I sat right up in the front and asked him at EVERY stop if this was it.  Ah but my persistence did not pay off.  This guy let me out somewhere waay past my destination!  From there it was another bus and a taxi to school.  And she lived happily ever after. Riiight. 

Yesterday Flora, my bus partner/Korean teacher told me to take the 8:10 bus for today since one kid, Joy, wouldn’t be coming to the school anymore.  This morning at 8:10 I get a call from the school bus driver asking me where I am.  Flora then walks up looking confused and upset as to why I’m taking the 8:10 bus when she is the one taking it.  I’m thinking because you told me to!  I had even asked, “So tomorrow, the 8:10 bus?”  It turns out she meant for me to arrive at my location at 8:10 and so I should have taken the 7:40 bus.  Anyway – it was no big deal. 

Yesterday, as you know, I got my internet!  Normally I leave school at 5:10 for the 5:15 pm bus but yesterday I made sure to take the 4:45 pm bus because the school had arranged the internet guy to come by 5:30.  As soon as I got off the bus I ran to the postoffice to mail even more postcards (oh yes… do check your mail boxes and if you have a heart write back!)  I hurried home so that I would not miss the internet man. 

Oh, I did not miss him.  When I got in the door it was a little after 4 pm.  Some idiot (that’d be me) read the clock wrong in the teachers’ room.  I called the school right away and got Janet on the phone.  I explained my situation but she said, “The clock in the teachers’ room is correct.”  I’m like “I READ IT WRONG.” “HUH?”  “I read it incorrectly.”  After several more attempts the message was understood.  I didn’t miss any classes and I would never miss a class anyway.  I feel like I’ve used the word “anyway” excessively.  AH – but this isn’t a book report thank goodness. 

Ok, so I’ve covered the stupid things I’ve done and the confusing situations I’ve been in and the angelic nature of my students.  Could there be more?  Actually, there is!

I stayed a little longer at school today because I was having a tough time making what should have been an easy decision.  Let me just preface this with October is my favorite month.   Aside from mine, my dad’s and my mom’s birthdays, it is HALLOWEEN!!!!!  One of my very favorite holidays.  I maintain that it’s little kids and anyone older than high school kids who truely LOVE the holiday.  In middle school and def. high school the enthusiasm is lacking. 

You might be wondering why the big conundrum?  Well today we were told to go on this Korean Halloween website and pick out a costume!  I hardly had time to look earlier in the day.   In all fairness, I knew what I wanted to be but probably shouldn’t be.  There are certain factors of course.  Aside from junky costumes, a costume you’ve been 3 times, and picking out one that no one else picked (yes that was a requirement), it is important to note that these costumes do not take into consideration the proportions of Americans, especially the American women!  I am an American woman and though I really really wanted to be Heidi, there was a chance my body might just not make it.  I looked and looked, bothering one Korean teacher after another to read the description and tell me the size. 

I was about to give up and settle to be a nun but then it happened… there was a princess costume in a bigger size!  I personally think the material might be really crappy but who cares??  It wasn’t the nicest looking one but it would b fun.  I’m working at a school that is PAYING FOR MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME!  Suzy-Q – you know you’re wishing you were here for the tricks and treats. haha.  You love Halloween about as much as I do!  Actually that’s not fair to a lot of you who do adore it.  I challenge you all to outdo my light pink and white oversized gown.  Just you try. 

Random.    I notice many things when riding to school.  The best is when the bus stopped at a red light behind two cars.  Being that the bus really didn’t care to wait for the red, it honked an obnoxiously loud horn and the cars in front of it actually drove through the red light to give the bus its way.    You’ve got to be frickin kidding me! HAHAHA.  I should be the bus driver!  Make the roads safe out there.

Till we meet again.



There really is a magic word!

September 30th, 2008

On Friday Bristol behaved IN THE AFTERNOON…  I might have thrown around the word “candy” or something unthinkable. Anyhoo today is Tuesday so let’s catch you up from the weekend.  Hmmm – Friday I left my phone at school by accident and then Saturday I visited friends in southern Seoul, and finally on Sunday I went with Andrea, Kath and Justine to a Korean Folk Village.  Believe or not that’s its name! 


It cost 15,000 Won to get in so roughly $15.00 because we got the museum pass.  We walked around traditional houses/shops/architecture and whatnot where people were reenacting weaving, making silk, etc.  It sort of reminded me of a Jamestown or Williamsburg only it goes WAAAAAAAY further back in time. 

I apologize that this entry isn’t being all it could be but I’m a wee bit tired after spending all day in the jungle being eaten by wild boars  = spending time with 4 year olds.   Robin, you always had a good point.  People often refer to chaos as a “zoo” but, as you said, the zoo is really a quiet place.  The lions are always sleeping and how many times have you walked past a habitat saying, “well maybe we’ll see something next time”.   Seriously.   Well there’s plenty to see here.  In fact I better come up with some kind of miracle because on Thursday and Friday of next week the parents are welcome to come to the school and watch their kids on a tv.  Ellie talked to me about planning a really good lesson.  Gotta keep the parents happy and if the kids are good, trust me I’M HAPPY. 

To sum up Korea so far in a stereotypical nutshell, everyone here is obsessed with Mickey Mouse, they drive like New Yorkers on crack, they have English print on their clothes that is so grammatically unfounded it drives me NUTS!, kimchi is served with every meal (oh wait till you taste this… and I thought I loved cabbage-everything), people “hock loogies” wherever they damnwell please – one loud glob of mucus from the throat up out on the sidewalk, many of whom I’ve observed dressed in fancy suits, and I think about seven or eight overweight people live here. 


But again I digress… Let’s see… I actually READ A BOOK.  Well, I’m READING a book.  Without TV I found myself reading one of Agatha Christie’s ingenius crime novels.  I started on Sunday, read yesterday and plan to read a wee bit before I go to bed. HOWEVER – some  most exciting news – eh hem!  I have internet in my apt. as of this evening!!  I tried talking to my mom, cousin Aga, and Aunt but my microphone seems to be busted.  Grrr.  SORRY GUYS!!  I’m probably not clicking on the right button or something stupid.  So ya’ll best get your skype log-ins so we can chat!!!  Enjoy the pix. 

Peace out girl scouts.



kids DO say the darndest things…

September 25th, 2008


I haven’t written in a few days so that I wouldn’t mention the same mundane details.  I promise to highlight anything interesting that happened this week as it is now Thursday. 

Kids are angels.  Really.  It’s just that today I wanted to pour hot tar on quite a few of them.  Maybe stretch them from limb to limb.  My classes have been going better but I still haven’t succeeded in showing them who is boss because half the time they are in their own worlds.  Today Mickey, one of the youngest ones (only 3) and toughest to teach, switched to my “good class” (Cambridge).  They think that should help Bristol, my worst behaved group, to listen better.  It worked for the morning but these kids have no attention span for any afternoon class!  Unfortunately they were really REALLY being little sh*ts today and Ellie was watching.  At one point there were 4 kids wrestling on a mat and so they were sent outside the classroom.  At the end they came in a said “Sorry” but I doubt that means squat. haha.  I’m like the worst teacher ever!! hehehe.

I never liked it when teachers labeled up the “bad class” or certain kids the “bad kids” or “troublemakers”.  When I was growing up, our grade was known for all the BAD kids.  Kids aren’t bad.  They may be “listening retarded” but they cannot help if they are bored, especially at the age of 4!  Most kids do not even enter school until they are 5 in the US.  I had to pass a special test that let me go to school a year early. 

You have to look at things for what they are.  I happen to take a “Seinfeld” approach to life.  It’s all funny really.  There is some humor it in all.  (Ok I’m sure you could provide some monumental exceptions but… the peanut gallery is closed for now.)  And so I have found some humor in the kids which I will now share with you. 

So I believe it was Daniel’s class that this occurred…
One kid gets in trouble for saying the “S-word” (I think we all know what that is).  So another kid tries to be helpful and explains, “It’s like f*ck.  You can’t say that either.”  hahahha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

 The other day I was teaching gym and I told the class to sit in a circle.  So this one girl, Young, literally sits down in a hula hoop. 

 We always hand out the water at the end of lunch so that the kids concentrate on eating their food.  When Mickey got his water yesterday he looked right at Jun.  He then dumped his cup of water all over him.  Needless to say, Mickey got to stare at the wall for the rest of lunch and Jun luckily had a change of clothes.  

We do a lot of drawing and coloring.  I wish I had pictures to show you.  I always have to say, “Oooh what did you draw?” because it is like looking at an ink blot at the psycologist.  For example, everyone was supposed to draw a ENORMOUS elephant.  I got everything from strollers with baby elephants to rockets to red scribbles. Then I tried drawing an elephant.  Not so easy. 

Anyhoo… I can’t really concentrate (inronically enough) right now when others are talking so I’m gonna leave that at that.


The Adventures of Cedric The Knome

September 20th, 2008

Please join Cedric as he explored Asia.  His adventures will continuously be updated so enjoy the ride!


*Here is Cedric on his first night out in Migeum Station, Korea*



a hodgepodge

September 20th, 2008

To avoid being redundant I will only write when a child sits still in his or her chair. haha.  But seriously folks.  It’s raining for the first time since I’ve been here however rainy Saturdays can be quite cozy.  I remember when I used to love rainy days as a child and then grew to detest them.  

 Here are some random thoughts. Yes, I do feel it necessary to preface the incoherence of what I’m about to write.  “Insert comment Here” – right Brooker?

-Went to a Vietnamiese restaurant last night with the girls from work.  The spring rolls were amazing.  You know… ya take these paper thin circular rice sheets and stick them in hot water to soften them up. Then you fill the roll with all sorts of veggies or meat and then you close up the roll which at this point is like a clear casing around the food.  Dip it in some sort of sauce and you’re good to go.  I’m thinking of getting some rice paper and shredding some veggies as a staple in my diet.  Tried some Japanese beer last night… the can was huge!  Needless to say a headache today as punishment. Brittskys – I’m using the journal you gave me as a health journal fyi! Thanks again. 

-Discovered the river the other day.  Justine just got a new bike for around $130 and we walked to the river.  Probably a fifteen minute walk from our apts.  Once there, Justine joined the numerous cyclists on the bike path and I zig-zagged past people on the running/walking path.  We went at night and I liked it a lot because I love running by water and the view of the city all lit up was awesome.  Of course I’m not a fan of occational swamp smells or a bug up the nose but that is to be expected. 

-I could probably dedicate an entire entry to Korean drivers.  In fact I think I will.  Let’s just say that they make NYC cab drivers into angels behind the wheel.  I take the bus everyday to work and I am constantly amazed at the antics.  Are there traffic laws in Korea or are these perhaps a lost art?  I love how our bus driver always swings left into a double yellow line area and then slightly into the oncoming lane. From this far left lane he then proceeds to make a right turn going infront of the two other lanes to our right on a red light!!  What the hell??!!  Why don’t they just let me drive??  But I digress.

-So last night Andrea, Justine and Ellie forced me to try a piece of squid.  Well I’ve had calamari before but this was NOT calamari.  When I try scary food I usually count on the fact that I can chew and swallow in an instant, washing it down with something to drink if necessary.  Not this stuff.  It was ten times as chewy as beef jerky, at first had no taste and then some flavor started to creep into my mouth.  Unbenonst to the girls, after chewing for a minute I actually slipped it out of my mouth and threw it on the floor.  What was worse is that it stinks.  My hands completely stunk.  Like moldy cheese and feet.  Not something to knaw on.  I’d rather eat a pencil like I used to in like 3rd grade. haha.  (Mom and dad – remember the furniture?)


*Picture: My bus buddy Agnes doing the popular Korean pose*
(Mikey and Brooker – we know what this really means! haha)

-Our apts. have a washer but no dryer so obviously we hang everything to dry.  I’m in desperate need of fabric softener because my t-shirts are feeling as stiff as my jeans!

-I left my wallet on the bus this am so that was nice.  Luckily it only had about 16500 Won ($16.50) in it as well as my license and a letter for Handan.  (Sorry Handan!)  Ironically it had this traditional Korean little keychain thing on it which is supposed to represent good luck or good fortune.  It must have been imitation. haha.

-My brain feels like mush right now so I apologize for yet another mind-numbing entry.  Hopefully I’ll be able to shove some Korean words up there before bed.

 Cheers as the people with sexy English accents would say.  I really want to speak “South African”.  Love the way Justine says “strawberries”.  It’s not so drawn out.  “Straburries.”  Hmmm I’m not so good with phonetics right now.   


PS This entry was made possible by the kindness of Justine Brown who is letting me use her computer for internet this lonely Saturday.  Mwah.


I need cement!

September 17th, 2008

Yes, some hardcore cement.  Stick those kids’  asses (please excuse my frustrated language) to their chairs! 

Today actually went much better but the level of hyper activity especially in the Bristol class (the classes are named for places in England so I have Bristol and Cambridge) was INSANE.  Like more than half the class was constantly out of their seats and running wild.  Did I  mention I have the worst behaved class in the school… well that’s Bristol.  Yup.  Though like I said… it must be hard to sit so still all day!  (Actually kids get to change classrooms or teachers so it’s not a typical school where you are confined to one spot for HOURS. )  I’m actually thinking that in the morning someone shoves little Korean bugs in their backpacks and they manage to crawl into everyone’s pants.  Only logical way to explain this.  I’m again in a hurry writing a stupid blog because I have two after school classes.  They are with the “7 yr. olds” (6 in America) and I like them a lot. 

As for lunch, I had rice.  Only rice today.  Yesterday I had rice AND some meat so that was BIG!  I have my own stash of crackers to help me out.  55 points since I ran yesterday but fell asleep at 7:30 pm!! 

I got to watch the kids play golf today… they have an awesome set-up.  They step on a lever and the ball is automatically placed on the tee.  Then they whack the heck out of it or more often the floor.  haha.  The highlight of golfing today?   The snail the children found.  Everyone was devasted when he was lost later that afternoon.  Highlight of my day?  Learning how to enlarge pictures and print in color on a Korean computer.  So excited.

I ran this evening.  I might be forming what one calls a healthy habit.  It’s been a while.  And now I’m in bed mad early. Night. 



My first day teaching alone…

September 16th, 2008

Could it have gone any worse?  Sweating, literally sweating in front of my class as the vice director (Ellie) watched.  What kind of idiot am I? At the end, Ellie was like next time you can turn on the AC and I’m like ‘oh hahaha I’m gonna go fall in a hole now.”  So the next class I was workin that AC but unfortunately the very adorable Jaslyn is like, “cold, teacher, I’m cold.”  “what? OH cold.  OK”  Seriously – how can you be cold?!!  Can’t you see I’m dyin’ here?  Probably not because all of you weighs the same amount as my left thigh.  Attention span.  WOW. I totally changed my approach for the second class but I’m gonna have to swallow my pride and say teaching isn’t as easy as it looks.  Later I taught math and we did these worksheets called Orda.  They’ve got their numbers down but I think the dittos on finding the acorns werent a hit.  They’re like why do I care what an acorn is?  Of course they all drew one when I told them they’d get a sticker!  hehe.  They were really shy this am probably because Richard was a cool teacher and now he’s gone.  But of course they resumed their ADD habits.  I think it’s just gonna take some time to get the hang of this and that’s normal.  And I do have THE worst behaved class in the school.  I did raise my voice very loud at the end of the day – it was awesome. They stopped dead in their tracks.  Ellie gave me some feedback on my first day and overall I did ok.   I have no time to proof read this but gotta catch the bus!


*Picture: my after school New Castle girls – 6 yrs. old *


End of the three day weekend…

September 15th, 2008

The palace!

 *Picture of Palace described below*

And here I am at the PC or internet cafe where there are primarily Korean guys playing games.  Apparently it’s REALLY big here.  Like Mickey Mouse.  There is Mickey Mouse everything.  It’s almost 9 pm so totally the opposite of most of you.  We had today off for Korean Thanksgiving (crap what’s it called again??!!)  so first day of teaching TOMORROW.  Snaaap!   n538711598_1257992_35652.jpg

*Picture of Andrea and me at the Gyeongbokgung Palace* 

Yesterday Andrea and I went to see the Gyeongbokgung Palace.  It was awesome!   Took some really beautiful pictures.  Then met up with Justine and headed to a picnic at some park… Hangang?  I’ll get back to you on that one.  Today I met up with the Shermenator, my Singapore Airlines flight buddy.  He took me for some real Korean BBQ and finally I can say that I LOVED Korean food.  It is sliced so thin… so good!  Grilled steak slices!  We met in Seolleung which is the most southern subway stop in Seoul (40 min north I think from me).  Yes I’m mastering the subway.  And it’s only a dollar!  Then we hit up Starbucks (hello to my starbucks whores Lauren Kidd and Brittsky! – fine Hondo… I’ll include you.)  Anyhoo… I have a ton of pictures on CDs that I made and am excited to get some online before I run up my technological tab.  Too tah loo.  Apt. internet on the 28th!  So get SKYPE!!



One week in Korea…

September 12th, 2008


*Picture of Andrea, me and Justine at the school celebration of Chusok* 

So yes today is officially one week… well in about three hours.  We had a special day at school bc of some Korean holiday so lunch was awesome.  The holiday is Chusok, their Korean Thanksgiving.  I actually taught two classes how to make hotdogs.  The children pretty much neglected the bun and licked ketchup off the weiner.  Whatever makes them happy.  There was also some other international food today.  I thought it comical that the children didn’t eat too much.  They probably felt like I do normally during lunch, staring at the unknown.  Later in the afternoon the children put on their hanboks which are these traditional outfits and I felt like I was watching “The King and I”(for those of you who don’t know your musicals, you won’t get the humor).  I’m actually sticking around to fill in for New Zealand Dan, teaching two 3rd grade girls in about 20 min.    I believe I get extra pay for this but honestly I have no idea. haha.  Pictures are constantly being added to all posts.  I apologize for how drab this is but then again I take that back because no one is forcing you to read this.  Comments are quite welcome!


*Picture: Here I am out with Eve from New Zealand, a girl I had met earlier this week at the bus stop*
