One giant leap for Aimee’s kind!
October 2nd, 2008The kind that has NO IDEA what they are doing! haha. I just finished writing my weekly reports on each student. Today is Thursday but it’s our Friday because tomorrow is “The National Foundation Day” – whatever that is. Today went so much better!!!! And I attribute that to candy and a field trip. And pretzels.
*Picture: Cambridge from left to right – Ashlie, Young, Elice, Alex, Deborah, Roy, Ricky and Patrick on Pajama Day*
This morning I had class with Cambridge but not with Bristol because we all went for a ride on the subway. Right now, as you might deduce, the theme is transportation and many of these kids have never been on the subway. Both Bristol and Cambridge as well as the teachers got on the Helen Doran bus together and then rode the subway. It was so frickin cute!!!!! When we got on the subway it was crowded and some people got up to let the children sit. This old lady was delighted to have little Young and Ashlie sitting next to her. So adorable!!! I don’t know if my exclamation points are getting that message across. People were smiling and I just laughed.
It wasn’t as cold today so of course I was too warm. Yeck! I know I must have been caught in a few snapshots and I hope they don’t get too far. Speaking of pictures, my computer at home isn’t letting me upload any onto this site. It worked on facebook but I’m going to try again! I know there is a lot of text but trust me – I have plenty of pictures to break it up. PLENTY.
Back to why today went almost “well”. We got back just in time for lunch. After lunch I had Cambridge again but we didn’t do too much work since Bristol had missed a class with me today. When they finished their assignment and put away their markers, I gave them all Hershey kisses because I am wonderful haha and also let them try pretzels. I let them play on the mat till class was over. Then it was off to Bristol.
I dove right in with, “I have candy for you.” I proceeded to break it down for them and have them repeat: “Color. Put away crayons. Eat candy. Play with blocks. Stickers. Hometime.” Of course Bristol and Cambridge are usually like night and day so bumping Bristol up to evening was a delight! haha. oh c’mon. HAHAHA.
The ditto they had to do was a little over their heads, at least I think so. There was a lot of effort on my part to help each of them get it done. By the end of the day I gave everyone 5 stickers! (That’s really good!) Johann, who I always want to call Sebastien for some weird reason, actually got a prize today because he turned in his completed sticker sheet. Whoo hoo! I have no idea what he got but that’s the school’s policy.
Every notice how many people spell the word “weird” wrong? I notice it all the time! “EI” people!!!! Andrea caught me in the hallway a little while ago and told me that tonight we’re meeting at 7:30 pm to go to ?Woodstock???? Like lots of mud woodstock? I have no idea. I doubt it. We’re also doing dinner and then going to a bar. So I guess I’ll tell you about that tomorrow.
No, I still don’t want kids of my own and no, I still don’t want a career as a teacher, but I just wanted to say for the record that I really like my kids! I apologize if yesterday seemed a little “frustrating” in my blog. Because it was. haha.
Oh MAJOR UPDATE: I had to change my Halloween costume because… I’m not sure why… but now I’m wearing a kimono. I’ve actually always wanted to do that but I thought that I wouldn’t try to pull off an Asian in Asia.
Ok well other teachers need to use the computer.