BootsnAll Travel Network

part fact, part humor, all me, all over

And so I begin my blog

September 11th, 2008


*Picture: flight from Phx to San Fran en route to Korea, obviously NOT staged*


*Picture: my first real Korean meal*

I’ve been here close to a week so there are quite a few things to catch up on.  Let’s see… flew out from AZ on Thursday am (9/4) and arrived in Korea at 6:30 pm on Friday (9/5).  Pretty much unpacked and went to bed.  Andrea, a teacher from St. Louis, left me a lovely note telling me she’d stop by the next day. 

So on Saturday I was up and walking around at 7 am.  I figured I’d lay down till she came by and all of a sudden it was 5 pm.  Andrea and Justine (a South African teacher) took me out to Seoul… we ended up at some South African bar called Scrooges and then some kind of club with really fun music.  I was totally surrounded by English.  British, Scottish, Irish, South African, etc.  Whatever you can think of.  I was an angel and had less than one drink! 


*Picture:  My first night out in Seoul – Andrea, Kath and Justine*

 Sunday I actually went running…  so proud of myself.  Let’s hope  can drop 20 out here.  (I’m at 76 kg so  multiply that by 2.25 and it’s not something to blog about but I digress.)  Then the girls and a Russian friend of theirs (Natasha) took me shopping.  The girls are so sweet and the clothes are so cute and Seoul is such an exciting city. 

 Shoppin in Seoul

But the day was pure hell – haha.  Yes… I trudged along, sitting on anything that came close to a chair.  I had terrible jetlag and cramps and no Korean money.  I’m gonna need a redo.  And that was Sunday.

 Monday was my first day at school.  The director came to pick me up.  Yes mama, I wore nice clothes.  I pretty much observed Richard who was substituting for me.  The kids are cute little animes. haha For those of you who are highly concerned as I used cute and kids in the same sentence allow me to remind you that I am not keeping any of them . haha. 

Tuesday was much the same thing only this time I missed the bus because I had confused the numbers of the building so Angus, a teacher from Canada, took me on his bike.  Now mind you I had no helmet and my only previous experience was around the block on Brooke’s and Emily’s dad’s bikes.  Yes I will be referencing ya’ll.  It was actually pretty fun and I was glad I missed the bus.  I got my cell phone today!!! The first time I’ve had one since December.  Also had my money changed to Korean Won. 


*Picture: Flora getting on the school bus*
(This is the actual bus that picks up all the children.  After I take a local bus I get onto this bus and every time we stop I get off and greet the parents and children.  I don’t have to take this bus home.  So basically it takes me two hours to get to school in the am and 10 min to get home.)

 Wednesday (yesterday) I observed again and the computer guy changed my computer to English and now it has sound!  It’s a decent sized-screen as it also serves as a tv.   Andrea and Justine took me out for my first real Korean meal.  It was like the movies.  We took off our shoes at the door and sat on the floor.  There was a grill in the middle of the table and all kinds of weird looking stuff around.  I was hesitant to eat but the meat wasn’t too bad. 


*Picture: The first time I had to take off my shoes going out to eat – I’m the sliver sparkly flip flops or slops as Justine calls them*


*Picture: The girls brought me to my first sitting on the floor experience*

I love love cabbage and anything wrapped in cabbage but cabbage and kimchi are not one in the same.  An old wise man warned me against it at the airport.  Then I made the thrilling purchase of a hair dryer and straightener.  A lot more expensive than I thought it’d be but what Korean doesn’t have pin straight hair?

 Ok so here we are today, Thursday, September 11, 2008, 4:25pm here in Korea.  One of my last days of observing.  I actually have taught a couple classes this week and I think it’s gonna be fun.  So long as those little gremlins stay seated.  You threaten them by saying you’ll take away a sticker. hahaha.  But seriously, could you sit still all those hours?  I know I couldn’t!  I’d have like negative stickers. 

 What I’ve found to be really funny is that I have to sit on the same tiny chairs as these little kids.  I’m constantly waiting for my dad to walk in and yell at me that I’m not a child and that the chair is gonna break. 

 My least favorite time of day is lunch time.  Lunch smells gross probably bc they have fish a lot and some nasty-ass cabbage.  I eat a bowl of rice.  A big bowl.  I’ve heard there may be spagetti some day. 

 I just wanted to get this started so I’ve given you the basic boring framework.  Honestly I’m not sure what to say about Korea bc I’m working on ending this jetlag.  I’m almost there.  Plus I’ve been adjusting to a new job.  When I wake up and get settled I’ll mention how I met Barry Bonds at the airport and how amazing Singapore Airlines is! 


*Picure: My ticket to Korea!*


*Picture: Me and Mr. Barry Bonds (mom – he’s a baseball player NOT on the Yankees)*
