It just keeps getting deeper.
November 1st, 2008So I went to the dr. this am after a “crazy” Halloween night.
Crazy Halloween Night:
Enter Natasha with jackolatern and lamenated picture of us.
Natasha wasn’t sure if the teachers could take home the jackolaterns that they made so I am possibly harboring a fugitive pumpkin.
The back of the picture read: “Happy Halloween. Friendz 4 ever or at least until something goes wrong. HEART Tash the African” Quite poetic.
Open up the Coke (Coca Cola is a no-no in Africa bc… something something…evil to…something i dunno), cookies, slightly burnt popcorn – we don’t have microwaves-, low-fat pringles she brought.
Try watching the world’s worst and hardly audible movie before putting on Nightmare on Elm Street.
I’ve never seen it. So NOW I know who Freddie Couger is and the whole deal with the striped sweater that everyone else has known since the 1980’s. I think the movie was good. I kept nodding off.
Apparently movie ends and I put on something else but I have no idea what. After a few minutes I tell Natasha I’m gonna take my famous 5 min. nap up in my loft (Amen Susan! – remember the Mega?).
Enter Saturday.
Yeeeeeeep. And that my friends was Halloween.
If you picture George Costanza saying it in that strong voice of his, it’s quite funny.
Hmmm…. or maybe Kramer.
(But I imagine not all of you reference Seinfeld on a daily basis with the exception of Marc Cavella who believes he is a Seinfeld mastermind and rightly so, eh Marc?) I leave it up to YOU, THE PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT NATION, to vote!! Costanza or Kramer??!!
This is going to be a close one. Maybe the highest watched debate in all of history! (This is the best segway I could come up with to the “I never got an absentee ballot” speech.) And, Robin I know you’re really just wondering what Newman is up to.
Yeah, ok. So off to the dr. on my very own street. There are so many signs I never even noticed the very unobnoxious sign that says hospital on the top of the building. (remember hospital/doctor – same thing) The slowest part of the whole process is the elevator. I was in and out outta there like that. (Again I’m picturing an episode where George is saying something to that effect and snapping his fingers left and right… some of you are very lost when I make these references and I hope you find yourselves.)
The efficiency is AMAZING.
I walked in without an appt., waited about 3-4 min, and talked to the dr. He suggested I get a chest x-ray if I still had symptoms on Tuesday. I asked (since I figured that was what was going to happen) if we could do it today. The dr. hands me a piece of paper. I go downstairs and hand it to some lady. I sit for another 2 min., pay approx. $10 though the dollar is down so low, go back upstairs and into the x-ray place. The woman has me come right in and put on a gown. She said, “Take off your underwear.” Now she said this AFTER she told me to put on the gown so I’m thinking WHY do I need to take off my underwear? Not wanting to, I made sure she just meant “up top” underwear otherwise I was in the wrong place!
*side note – In high school German class my name was Angelika and Jeong thought it sounded like Underwear. I can’t get into why he’s retarded but ever since Jeong and Handan have been calling me Undie, with related names for my brother and sister: Undoe, Little doe. Idiots. Sorry Frau – this is what we really did in German class! haha. JK.*
The extra takes under a minute and I’m out of that office with the x-ray in hand after about another 3 min. I then head back into the original room and 2 minutes later I’m back in with the doc. He shows me the x-ray (let’s hear it for anatomy 101 at Scottsdale Community College) and explains to me that I have bronchitus in my left lung. Again the man tells me to rest (I had confessed going to school yesterday) until Tuesday. So I have to go back then.
I called Janet from school who does the scheduling to let her know about the appointment. She told me she wanted to speak to the dr. so I went back upstairs. As soon as I get there this couple is leaving his office and he lets me in and gets on the phone with Janet. Talk about personal care and efficiency! (And my uh inefficiency to tell the story… my mindless yet humorous details. You only get it here… or on Seinfeld. And I’m sure just by talking to some of my friends. haha.)
The only blunder to all this, aside from having written this blog before walking back across the street to get more medicine which I swear I will do as soon as I finish this) is that there is a little conundrum with school. You know – the big fish eats the medium fish and the medium fish eats the smaller fish and the smaller fish is me. The dr. said REST until Tuesday. School wants me to rest after I complete my classes.
I never stayed home from school that much as a child. I know that if I had a fever I stayed home or if I went to the dr. we followed his instructions.
I don’t blame the school for wanting me there but at the same time if you want me to “please get better” you’re going to have to be patient. The dr. told me I wouldn’t be all better for about two weeks but he’d see how I was on Tuesday. Probably if the medicine is working he’ll have me back in the swing of it all. I know as a kid I had strept (spell check?) throat a lot and maybe bronchitus once or twice but I don’t think I had pneumonia. And I certainly don’t want to get it as it weakens the heart.
The big fish, the parents, are sick of having different teachers teaching their kids so they need Aimee Teacher to be there. The medium fish, the school, wants to make the big fish happy so the medium fish tells the small fish, Aimee, to get to school. (oh my gosh get it – fish? school? oh i kill myself!)
What to do? I’m not worried about the school. My throat feels so much better and I don’t cough too much but I can tell the cough is a bit deeper. I’m sure I could go to school just fine and dandy on Monday. But I’m with the doc on this one. He told me I need confidence him. Seen many foreign teachers. Specialize in symptoms. (Yes this line has been checked for grammar.)
Ok so what to do with all this sightseeing time…in my apt? I guess I do have one more outing to the drugstore so let’s go! (pronounced kah-jah!)
-the small fish with tonsalitis and bronchitus swimming in strange strange waters