BootsnAll Travel Network

Jan. 7 – Mexico

Day 159 – As we go further south, we have noticed two things: Mexico has a lot more video games than we thought, and there are now a lot fewer license plates from the states and Canada. At almost all the mini-mart type places there are at least two or three old-school arcade games with the simple joystick and button controls. That brings back childhood memories! The license plates we see now are mostly are from Canada, but there are a few from Texas.

sunset on Playa Azul

We are at Playa Azul, right on the boarder of the states Michoacan and Guerrero. It is a Mexican tourist town (for a change) and has lots of bathing suits and beach wear for sale on the streets; as many as you could ever dream of! It has a swimming beach with no waves and the water is pretty warm. Though there were a lot of pelicans on the water and a bunch of little fishies. 🙂

We had a few events happen this evening. First, some Spanish children hung around our van until they had enough courage to come over and ask Jason for some candy. The perfect level for us to try out our Spanish 🙂 After some general questions, to get to know each other, they asked if we had any pens. We said no to both questions and they got bored with us and left.

The second event happened late at night. We are parked next to a motor home that has been staying next to the town square last few nights, without any troubles, until now. Some guys in a truck decided to pull right up next to the motor home and after revving the engine, took off to do a 360 in the middle of the road. The guy in the motor home came out yelling at them as they sped away. So the motor home fellow decided to pick up a few rocks, (yeah, is that a good idea?) and waited outside to see if they were coming back. They came back in their beefed up red 4×4 truck and were asking the man what his problem was, in Spanish. The man yelled back at them, in French, and the guys in the truck started giving him crap for being so upset; neither of them fully understanding the other. The truck left again after the wife, from inside the motor home, yelled at her husband to come back inside. Five minutes later the truck came back with their music blasting and parked right next to the door of the motor home, turned off the car, and just sat in the bed of the truck listening to their bass-pumping Mexican country music, and drinking beer. Some buddies of theirs came to join them for awhile and neither of them left for about an hour, but they left peacefully. I think they got their point across.

I have to mention that two wandering horses came walking through the square at 3.00am. It was so random.

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