BootsnAll Travel Network

Dec. 12/13 – Mexico, Baja

Day 133/134 – Our second week of Spanish lessons and our first time staying in the town. We said good bye for the time being to Vincent and TJ – it was really great meeting you guys! We wish you the best of luck with the ocean and will pray to the snow gods for you! Hope to run into you guys again and share some morning coffee.

We headed into town for better immersion in the language and to save a bit on gas money. The lot we are staying on is located on a hill in the south end of town. It is a small, but very nice lot with a pit toilet and a shower area that is useable once we clean them up. Jason is doing all the raking, collecting fallen palm leaves, and clearing out the utility areas. I picked up all the trash that local dogs brought onto the lot to rummage through, cleared the litter from other people, and I’ve worked on the blog 🙂

sunrise from the lot in Todos Santos.

Tuesday we were invited to Guillermo’s for dinner, a place he is house-sitting in for the winter. The house is located near the water, so we could hear the waves crashing and enjoy a nice view of the sun setting on the horizon. Three other ladies who live in Todos Santos were invited also. Suzanna is an architect that recently finished her house in Todos Santos and has started on a few other homes in the area. Araceli and her daughter Nicole were the two other ladies. Araceli manages the Todos Santos Hotel downtown and Nicole is learning as much as she can in school. We had a really good night and enjoyed meeting people from town; it made us feel more at home.

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2 responses to “Dec. 12/13 – Mexico, Baja”

  1. We just watned to wish you a Happy Holidays. We hope you are enjoying yourselves. We hope to hear from you soon!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. We enjoy reading your blog. It sound educational. I enjoy my farm and home to much to take your trip . You are young and want to see and feel the world be fore choosing a place to make your life good for you.Maybe well get a visit from you some day.

  3. Courtney and Cody Marganelli says:

    We saw your site for the first time. It’s cool. Cody hopes you don’t get any tickets. We hope you are enjoying yourselves. Good Luck. How is is surfing? How many times have you gone surfing? Missed you at Christmas. How did you spend your Christmas? Have you seen any eels? Where are you going next in Mexico? Cody says it was nice hearing your voice on the phone. Happy New Year! See you next year, but hope to hear from you sooner! bye!

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