Update…6 Hours later….. I had to write about it now didn’t I? Yup, the swells were huge again and about 10 minutes into the two hour trip I knew that I was in big trouble. My stomach started to cramp and I broke out in a solid sweat while successfully “maintaining” for nearly an hour. I tried the IPod, but that failed to help, so I finally succumbed and joined the legions of bag fillers on the old tilt-a-whirl also know as as the Lomprayah Koh Tao high-speed Catamaran! Funny thing seasickness is; you can weather all sorts of bad rides and then some day your number comes up and blam. The good news is that I felt much better after returning my chicken curry lunch and made it to the dock with minimal extended misery. Cheryl was the stronger sailor today although she was pretty green as well (it didn’t help having me next to her!) and we were both VERY HAPPY to get off the boat onto solid ground. Amazingly, I was eating again at the night market in Chumphon just hours later! Who can resist the food of Thailand even when you can’t always keep it down!
Coconut Custard Street Treats
Hello Mainland!
Tags: SE Asia, Thailand, Travel, Tag Index