Feeling Sicky on the Hokey Pokey
November 19th, 2005I loved Caye Caulker, but I finally made it off the island. It was becoming a bit of a local joke where I would say i was leaving tomorrow and then people would see me the next day saying the same thing. Still, when it’s good it’s good – time’s on my side.
Sunset on Caye Caulker
Monday was the day of escape, taking the water taxi back to the mainland, then a couple of local buses – Belize City to Dangriga, then Dangriga down to Placencia. When I say local I mean really local. Stopping at every pothole in the road to pick people up/drop off. Finally arrived in Placencia after nightfall and we were greeted by an old man offering lodgings, which turned out to be perfect, especially as were strangers in a strange land with nowhere to stay. It felt like we were the only people in the village on the first night, but the next day more backpackers turned up and the place started to come to life. Had a beautiful day on the beach with sunshine and tranquil waters, followed by much rum and coke in the evening.
Proceeded to spend the next 4 days in Placencia, and while the weather never returned to the form of Tuesday, it was still a cool place with beautiful friendly people. The faces from Caye Caulker kept popping up as the week progressed and ended on a high on Thursday night – perfect for getting that hangover for travelling Friday morning!
Managed to get to the Hokey Pokey water taxi at 10am Friday, took that down to Independence where we (just) caught the bus up to Hopkins for the Garifuna Settlement day celebrations. It’s been pretty shitty weather since we got here, which has put a bit of a dampener (!) on the party but there’s more fun tonight so all will be good.
Out of interest, since starting my trip in Mexico I’ve been hearing the Gasolina song all the way along – has this made it to England or is it just sweeping over this continent?