BootsnAll Travel Network

To Yoga!!!!

We found a great yoga course to take. This guy is Uber serious though. He grew up at the Sivananda Ashram and is one of Swami somethingorothers disciples. We have class twice a day at 6am and 4pm. So far so good, we are feeling very……flexible. Our teacher believes in the deep powers of … Breathing.. so we have been chanting “ooooooommmmmmmm” a lot.

You can check out the website…

We’ll keep you posted!!


2 responses to “To Yoga!!!!”

  1. Andy says:

    Dancing, reading and activities at 6:00 a.m.? Lisa, I should have given you much more credit. You are performing miracles with Todd! I’m glad you finally found a nice, relaxing spot, since the last few weeks have been “different.”
    I hope Todd got you something nice for your birthday. Maybe he got himself a peticure and touched you with some clean feet for a change.
    I miss you guys, and I can’t wait for you to return. Take care.

  2. Angie & Eric says:

    Aloooooooooha! Sorry it’s taken soooo long to connect with you guys! (We’ve been reading, just not writing) We are so thrilled for you and your adventures! What an experience, you two must now know each other in ways you never imagined! Glad to hear you’re safe and taking it all in strides. Hope you had a fabulous birthday Lis, sure you’ll never forget it! Maui is still supercalifragilisticexpealadocious; Ang is loving her job (3x a week teaching in a Health class at Lokelani) and Eric got his Instrument rating (perfect 100% yay!). Keep on keepin’ on and don’t let the bed bugs bite.
    Love and kisses, Ang & E-Dog

  3. Eva says:


  4. Denise says:

    Happy Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just celebrated a b-day recently sept.29th and my sweet man,Eli, bought us tix to spend new years in NY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I have never been! Hopefully we’ll meet up with Eva and Em. I’ll have to get in touch with them soon. Love ya lots & can’t wait to hear about your next adventure!

  5. Amy D. says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Lisa!!! Hope ya’ll celebrated well and I can’t wait to hear the next update on the trip. You always have me cracking up!!!
    Love you both!!!

  6. Emily says:

    hi guys,
    I hope you’ll want to touch a computer after doing serious yoga for this long.. Glad to hear all is zen, couldn’t think of a better way to spend a birthday!! Cheers from Ireland.. it is absolutely gorgeous here on the lakes of Killarney- sunny one minute, rainy the next but the views are breathtaking and the people just crack me up. Where will you trailblaze next? Keep the pics coming!