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Picture time

Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Here are some pictures of our last few weeks!!!

This is our last day in Queenstown, N.Z.


These pics are from Rarotonga in the Cook Islands…







These are from Aitutaki



Pictures from Tonga….and our own private island!




Now this is love…


Kava night with locals


Goodbye to the island and our RTW trip!


Its official….

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Todd and Lisa have spent 270 consecutive days together and still like each other!!!

Now we know there was a little speculation about the ‘Bang’…..thinking that there was gonna be some big action… well our idea of a ‘bang’ is ending our trip on a private island in the middle of Tonga.

The grand finale 2 weeks of our trip started out a little rough. The day before we left for the cook islands, we checked our bank account online and found that someone had gotten Lisa’s CC# and done a really good job at emptying her checking and the joint saving. They charged 4000$$$ to a shoe stoe in Saudi Arabia…. Lisa wishes that was her charge!! anyways, we tried our best to brush of the fact that we didn’t have any cash, at least we got credit and are on our way through the South Pacific!! We arrived in Rarotonga at 2 am to find that our luggage was not on the plane with us. We had to spend our first day on the island in jeans and long sleeve shirts. But like the customs guy said…. “at least we got duty free booze”.!!! We swam in our underwear and borrowed toothpaste until a day and half later our bags arrived. NOT a good start.

Things obviously turned around and we enjoyed a wonderful 5 days on Raro and 4 day on an outer island, Aitutaki. We will not bore you with the details… but we had a wonderful time.

From Raro, we came back to Auckland, spent 10 hours in the airport and then headed to Tonga. We initially booked a room at a surf resort on the main island. After 2 days we found that they only take cash… not really on option for us. So we headed to plan B. A little island called Pangaimoto just a short boat ride away. There is a small resort there and NOTHING else….. absolutely beautiful. Once again we wont bore you with the details, but we ended up being the only guests there for 2 nights.  We spent our days playing in the ocean and our nights drinking Kava with all the local boys that lived there!! Our own private island, could there be a more perfect ending to our RTW trip???……boooo hoooo

We are sitting the in the auckland airport now (again), waiting for a plane to LA.  We are trying not to think about the reality of it, so we will not write any deep thoughts on how we feel!!  Those will come later…. just because we are going home, we are not ready to give up the blog.  We are sure that we will do a few more posts because we have some more pics to post that we can’t do here. 


We are alive…

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006
Sorry we didn't write earlier... we knew some of you would be freaked by the earthquake.  The problem was that we were in such a wonderful beautiful place... it didn't even have internet.  We will write all about it when we ... [Continue reading this entry]

The best happy hour around

Saturday, April 29th, 2006
We have heard all these stories from the 18 year old travellers about winning free stuff in the bars in Queenstown. Todd became somewhat obsessed with making it happen, unfortunately we always fall asleep to early... we're getting so old. ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, April 28th, 2006
A little birdy told us that they had a hard time reading the blog... because they were tired of hearing about all the great things we are doing and becoming very jealous. We would like to tell you all... we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Campin’, Trampin’ and Crampon’

Monday, April 17th, 2006
We went up north to the Abel Tasman National Park and did a spectacular 7 hour hike around the entire little peninsula at the tip of the island. We went through dry land, lush forest, out onto beaches, over boulders ... [Continue reading this entry]

We Be Scrumping

Sunday, April 9th, 2006
From Waitomo, we actually headed back to Taupo because we loved the thermal stream so much... and there is a free campsite. When we got back to our trusty campspot, we ran into some people that we had met in ... [Continue reading this entry]

More adventures…….

Monday, April 3rd, 2006
We have been so excited about telling you all our extreme adventures... we realized we are leaving lots of other things out.  When we left HWB we headed south to a town called Rotorua. It is a really active hot ... [Continue reading this entry]

This is not an April Fools Joke!!

Saturday, April 1st, 2006
We can't even believe it... we paid someone a fair deal of $$ to push us out of a perfectly good airplane!!! WE ARE EXTREME!!!!! We knew that NZ was the land of extreme sports, and have been talking about ... [Continue reading this entry]

A love affair with N.Z.

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
So far we love this country!!! We don't want to curse it but we have had nothing but great luck.  First we booked a room in a hostel, but when we arrived it was full.  The owner convienently also had ... [Continue reading this entry]