Our Biggest Complaints About Malaysia….
Wednesday, February 22nd, 20061. The coral on the beach hurt our feet.
2. The sound of the waves made us have to pee in the middle of the night.
3. The fishing boats blocked our sunset view.
4. Muslim countries don’t sell booze.
The Perhentian islands were incredible. Tiny islands in the middle of the ocean, no road, no cars, no nothing. Literally. These are the kind of islands that you see from a boat with nothing on them, but this one had some guest houses. It’s basically just a jungley rock with some small white sandy coves around it. To get from cove to cove there was a little jungle trek, or you could take a boat-taxi. The sand was like buttah baby. So white and soft it was almost unreal. The water… holy crap it was bright tourquoise. We would tell you about everything that we did… but we didn’t do anything!!! HEAVEN!
We got a great bungalow on the beach, hung the new hammocks that we got in Bali, and called ourselves happy. Todd read 3 books in the 7 days that we were there. Lisa got a perfect tan. We did go scuba diving one day. The visability was not so good but we saw some cool new marine creatures. That was enough stimulation for the whole week.
Leaving indonesia and coming to malaysia was one of the best decisions that we made on this trip. Tomorrow we will get to kuala Lumpur for 2 days.. and then back to the singapore airport (YEAH!!) to catch our flight for Australia.
Here is our cozy bungalow and some other pictures to warm ya’ll up!!
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