BootsnAll Travel Network

Earthquakes?? We are just trying to escape the Israelis

Thank you guys for your concern about the earthquake. To be honest, It shook the bed and woke us up.. but that was about it. We actually had no idea that it was a major quake. It was probably in the paper… but we don’t read hindu!!!

Anyways, Mcleod Ganj was a very interesting town. It was very taken over by western hippie type people in Indian scarfs. After being in the rest of India it was a big change. One day we even had carrot cake and cappaccino’s for lunch!!!! We have this theory about the place: It’s a symbiotic relationship (we think). The Buddhists/Tibetans have a lot of spirituality, and need money. The westerners have a lot of money, but want spirituality. We liked the food!! Our last day there was probably the best day we have had so far… very spiritual. We started the day by getting 90 min ayurvedic massages (for about $11). Then we went on a hike up through the Himalayas. We were hiking up to a waterfall. The mountains are so huge and gorgeous (and decorated with Tibetan freedom flags). And the air is so crisp and cool. We went way up to the waterfall and discovered this chill out cafe. Seriously.. up in the middle of the mountain, next to the waterfall was this stone house (with no walls) that had pillows to sit on and smoothe slate stones that had been painted by previous spiritual wanderers. We got some chai and started talking to another couple. We ended up hanging out there for hours!! It was sooooo relaxing. It was a much welcomed change. Then we headed back down and got on a night bus (AGRHHH) to an town called Manali. We stumbled off the bus at about 4:30 am battered and bruised. For real.. we had the last row of the bus and our super speady (we arrived 2hours early) bus driver flung us out of the seat a few times. OUCH!!
We took tuk tuk up the hill from Manali to a town called Vashist.

Vashist is a small mountain town, surrounded by apple orchards, waterfalls and tons of marajuana. We now know why it is called weed.. but of course we didn’t pick any or stay an extra day so it could dry. It’s the kind of town where everyone had there own cow tied up in front of there house that was built entirely from stones. It is pretty much the end of the tourist season there because it is starting to get cold, so the town was very sleepy. In the middle of the town is a hot spring, but we didn’t go because we have a slight hygiene phobia in India. We hiked around the mountains a bunch and spent a lot of time drinking chai on the roof with our neighbors who are traveling for 9 months with there 5 year old son. You know where we got the idea from if we decide to do it!! We were in Vashist during the earthquake. wow– we just looked on shiva and buddha we are safe!!
Up here in the north is is filled with Israeli’s. Its really ridiculous. Indian people even speak hebrew to us and there are signs in hebrew. Apparently, they like to smoke the pot and rent motorcycles and cruise around the mountains, at least thats what our hotel guy told us!
We are currently en route to our 10 day grand finale yoga retreat in a small village called Uttarkashi. Lisa will celebrate her 28th birthday drinking tea and meditating at 5 am….WHAT!! Guess she’ll have to make up for it on Todds 30th!! We don’t know if there will be Internet or not. The website of the place we are going is:
Love you all…..

Since we got a few comments on Todd’s hair, we thought we would share the funny story behind it. Todd decided that a hair cut would be a good thing to in lieu of seeing the Taj Mahal. He was looking for a place with electric clippers. Lisa reminded him that we are in a country that cuts grass with scissors (really) and doesn;t have washing machines. After seeing the handy scissor work of some boys, he went ahead and sat down for a cut ( after a good price haggling of course). It got dark, and they lit some candles, and cut Todds hair by candle light. We were cracking up. Todd wanted electric clippers… he didn’t even get electricity. He did get a good haircut though!!


16 responses to “Earthquakes?? We are just trying to escape the Israelis”

  1. Anna says:

    Hey, glad you’re all right – I keep getting daily calls from my mother!!! Only the past 2 days… I just left a message for David and Lou on their answering machine to check the blog. I couldn’t get through to them. Ah well.

    Sounds like quite an adventure!

    Have fun at the yoga retreat!


  2. Dad David says:

    Whew!!! I have more gray hairs for sure now. Lou and I are so relieved to hear that you are both safe. I’m glad you went Northeast instead of Northwest. Actually Amritsar was shown on CNN with several collapsed buildings etc.

    Lou found this entry in somebody’s web blog:

    “The earthquake struck here in northern India at about 9.25am, and although it lasted at most only a few minutes, it seemed like an eternity. Everything was swaying violently in my hotel room as my friend and I sheltered under the reinforced door frame away from a shaking glass cabinet, treacherous looking water heater, and surreal shifting furniture. People were running frantically in the hotel – along the corridors, up to the roof, downstairs etc. Our legs were like jelly from the adrenalin, and our hearts were beating wildly everything around us was in motion, as the whole foundations of the hotel shifted beneath our feet, before finally, suddenly, it stopped.
    Steven Baker, Dharamsala, India”

    Since we thought that you were in Dharamsala and we knew people there could communicate on line, we were concerned that we hadn’t heard from you. I will not elaborate on the various scenarios that were playing out in my head…but only say that this was A LOT worse than the time Lisa came home after her curfew because the police questioned her at the Dunkin Donuts in C’vlle or so the story went….



  3. Jenny from the block says:

    Since my only source of news is via computer, and I have spent the last few days without one, I didn’t even hear about the earthquake until this morning!!!! I am glad because worrying is what I do best. The trip sounds wonderful (minus the busrides and issues of cleanliness) and just so you know I am willing to stand in for a five year old if you ever want to do this again–I can whine as well as one, as you know…
    Miss you and love you–

    p.s.–Li, stop bragging about your youth…on your b-day when you’re doing downward facing dog, think of me. Happy Birthday, darlin’!

  4. Eva says:

    So happy to hear you guys are ok…you’ve been on my mind constantly.
    Li – just incase you don’t have internet connection on your retreat, have a WONDERFUL Birthday Sweetie!!!!!! (sounds like an entirely different way of spending it than the normal stumbling home at 5am)
    I love and miss you both, sounds like you are having an amazing time.

  5. admin says:

    Sorry for all the worrying. Next time i’ll make sure that Todd checks more than and We may not have known about the intensity of the earthquake, but we knew about the yankee’s braves and red sox.


  6. Aunt Nancy says:

    Just posted on the wrong blog. It’s been along time since I checked in on you guys. Sounds like youre my travel planner when I decide to go to India. Really glad that you are safe. Lisa-Have a really Happy Birthday at your retreat. I’m sure it will be memorable-something to tell grandchildren. Love Nance

  7. emily says:

    hey guys.. glad all’s well. i just keep imagining you both riding a camel into the sunset out of any harm’s way- mother nature’s wrath and all!
    Lisa- early Happy Birthday shoutout from Boston- here for a few days- forgot how great this city is. ps… yankees won tonight- but i’m pretty sure Todd has it simulcasted in the middle of your deep meditative sessions. Not sure who the hell these MA people were routing for since the red sox bit the dust but it was a good time nonetheless! pps- summer is officially over- it is fuh-reezing here at night (shut your mouths, Maui girls!)

  8. edith aka edie says:

    Hi you guys! glad to hear you are okay. it took a while for CeCe to get back to me. she was busy partying. sounds as if your trip has been really exciting. had to laugh about your bus ride down the mountain. I have been on the chicken bus before for 5 slow hours in Honduras. Quite an experience. and especially when they stop to pick up someone carrying their live chicken they are going to have for dinner.

    As for Todd’s haircut …… in china they set up their barber shops in the street …… funny to see!

    No pot to smoke? Tisk!

    Am glad I finally got access to your website. Registered some time ago, etc. and then didn’t know how to access your site until CeCe sent me the short cut. Your stories are very entertaining. I am envious. Wanna’ be a guide?

    So are we going to meet somewhere or are you coming home early??????

    edie anne

  9. Momma J says:

    Lili and Toddie,

    The phone lines were buzzing on Sat as we all phone-chained to see if anyone had heard from you two wanderers! Glad everyone is safe.

    Your Mom (that’s me) wishes you the best birthday ever! As you move through your yoga positions, remember how much fun getting born must have been! Wha???? Well, it might be your time to do some wild spiritual thinking, before you return to work and taxes.

    Toddie, I thought of you as I listened to the game yesterday. I’m trying to figure all this out. If you can read a book, I can learn about sports!

    Love you two, and many hugs,

    Momma J.

  10. Amy says:

    Glad to hear you guys are safe. (Lis- I told you I would actually post something!). I love reading about your trip. It honestly keeps me so entertained in class – and is my favorite thing to check every .6 seconds when i get bored 🙂
    Just wanted to say happy birthday Lisa.
    Have fun! love you guys!


  11. Adrienne in C'ville says:

    OK, other non-sports news you might not have heard:
    Hurricane in New Orleans — city under water
    Hurricane in So. La — rest of south La under water
    Hurricane in So. America — villages under mud
    (there seems to be a theme here…)
    But the only news that really made us parent types engage in some prospective worry for your sakes were more terrorist bombings in Bali.

    Now, with the sports news, you have the right set of information against which to practice yogic release of the maya of this world.

  12. Cece says:

    Sooooo very glad to hear you are both safe and sound. We have had some real scary things going on in the world while Todd has been watching ESPN. Know your Yoga retreat will be very enriching and spiritual (about time Todd). And I too say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LISA!! Love not having a place to send a gift to this year!! Take care and be safe. What I have seen of India….I don’t think it is for me. Lisa, you are a GREAT story writer!! Your descriptions are priceless….

    Luv ya muchly,

    Mom xxxxxxxxxooooooooooo

  13. Andy says:

    Happy Birthday, Lisa. You and Todd should do something special to celebrate. Take a trip somewhere or something relaxing. Glad to hear you’re both okay, although I am Todd’s attorney in fact. Anyone want me to wire them some of Todd and Lisa’s travel funds?

  14. jim,dad says:

    we are so thankful you survived.happy birthday lisa.yankees finally lost, but we will buy someone else for next year.continue to have a great trip.

  15. Anna says:

    Check out this link for a great article on Varanasi and the Ganges river. Very interesting – at least I thought so!

    Happy birthday, Lisa!

  16. Barbara (from Jerusalem) says:

    Dear Lisa and Todd,

    A long time I did not look on your blog… it is amazing! the pictures are beautiful and I loved your comments!
    Yes, Israelis are everywhere, specially in these places! You saw them in Israel and you see them again there!!
    Happy birthday to Lisa and continue to enjoy!
